Chapter Four | Every Girl For Herself

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(Y/F/N) = Your First Name


Chapter Four
Every Girl for Herself

      You watched everyone leave, it seemed now that their was a little team definitely forming for young heroes. A team that could come to use for the Light, or become a problem. Once you were alone, you began to run within the dearly loved shadows, only to halt when you watched another person move past quickly form a distance. Your eyes watched with curiosity.
      This person was swift with her movements, yet still rusty. Her blonde hair danced with the cool air, yet you couldn't make out her face because she too was wearing an attire. You followed her silently from a distance, an urge to face her, to pull Intel from this girl. But only when you again felt like you were being watched from behind for the hundredth time, you stopped and took your holster off, searching for the one thing that could only be the reason. You had narrowed your eyes as you found it, a tracer.
       Your instinct began to dissolve, and you only wondered who had followed you. Picking it off your attire, you held it close to your eyes examining it. Answers were soon to come though, when you felt a presence from behind. You instantly moved with grace to aim one of your Glocks. Before you stood, Cheshire. Her wide grinned mask hiding your sisters expression from behind it.
        "Why were you following me Jade?" You asked with poison soaking each word. You only saw her dark brown eyes, and her posture. You stood and holstered your weapon, then began to attach the holster to your body yourself.
      "Hm, amusing," She began, you only narrowed your eyes whilst crossing your arms. "Do you always have to be so hostile? We are family after all."
      "You may seek joy in what you do Jade, but its far more than that, far more work." You uncrossed your arms, tossing the tracer to her.
      "Oh, I know," She chuckled after she caught the tracer. "You can figure things out soon, or later sis," She got closer, and You didn't move. "But you have no idea why I joined the Gig, why you've never known me for many years."
      "What's your point?" You shifted your eyes, watching her move, watching her circle you.
      "My point," She paused before halting her position. Her posture changed instantly. "My point is you may need to figure things out alone, because in this game, it's every girl for her self, and once you realize that, many possibilities will be before you (Y/F/N)."
      "And you're telling me this because what? You care? I find that hard to believe." You admitted with a growl, and it was completely a true statement.
      "You and I may have not known each other as long as- For a while (Y/F/N), but you are my sister." You heard her emotion for a split second. Yet you drew away.
     "If you're trying to consul me Jade, you're doing a poor job." You hissed, not wanting to deal with her, so you walked past toward the ledge, you peered over your shoulder, glancing at her one last time before you jumped over the ledge, disappearing within the night.

I loooove, LOVE it so much so far! I know it's short but I'm probably going to have short chapters more often, it's be easier and you'll see more parts!

I also want to get to know my readers so here are some questions you can reply too if you want, (has to do with Young Justice).

1) Favorite Young Justice character.
A. Boy? (Mine: My Dick c:)
B. Girl? (Mine: Hard one, but Bab's)

2) Favorite ship?!
                (Mine: Spitfire!)

3) What would be your ability of choice?
               (Mine: I love the idea of magic a lot. 😂)

4) Favorite word of Dick's Vocabulary?
                   (Mine: Whelmed, are you whelmed yet bro?)

5) WHERE IS WALDO?! (Wally T-T)
           (Warner Bros, bring it back please! ☹️😭)

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