Chapter Thirteen | The Moon and the Sun

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(Y/F/N) = Your First Name

Long Chapter & Fluff

Chapter Thirteen
The Moon and the Sun

You could barely sleep the rest of the night. It wasn't at all that the bed was rough, because it wasn't. It was because you were out of your environment, somewhere new and different. Some where that Bruce Wayne lives. You tossed and turned, and didn't seem to take much sleep. Every time you dozed off, your lids shot open to have your eyes pierce into the darkness. Sitting up you groaned, and rubbed your eyes with exhaustion. You heard the soft ticks of a clock near by, and reached for a lamp to light the room up to find it.
Six Twenty-eight, you had thought, thirty-two minutes and then breakfast. You sighed and fell back upon the bed. Seconds past by that seemed like hours. You huffed, sitting up and then shifted your body so your feet touched the soft carpet. Your toes played with the material. Living in a bunker most your life, you never had such luxury. You left the warmth of your bed, and began another exploration, you didn't even cover fifteen percent of the Manor yesterday night.
        The manor was extremely gorgeous, you ran your hand delicately against the wall, while your eyes danced from each detail to the next. You hadn't a clue on the minutes that passed, but once you rounded the corner you bumped into some one, sending you both flat on your backs.
        Groans escaped the both of you, and you sat up and met eyes with a very, groggy Grayson, "What are you doing," he had questioned in a tired tone. Your cheeks heated up due to his bed head, cloudy deep blue eyes, and scratchy morning voice. Yet, you didn't reply, only stood up as he did the same, "Alfred will wake you up soon, it's not time for breakfast yet."
     You crossed your arms with a huff and said, "I didn't get any sleep, so excuse me if I wanted to look around. I haven't seen many places as exotic as this."
      "You've murdered tons of people, of course you wouldn't be able to sleep." Dick said coldly. Your brows furrowed with anger, and you gripped your forearm tightly.
"You've heard my side, so don't you dare think I had a choice," You growled, his stern stare faulted for a moment, but you just began to walk past him, then stood still looking over your shoulder, "So before you go on and be a Dick about my past, just remember I can make your head spin quicker than you can blink."
You didn't hear him begin to reply as you walked away, all you could hope is the words will soak in, and next time the relationship will start on a better path.

Twenty Minutes Later

You had made it to the dinning room, the table could dine over forty people. Yet it was set for two, and you tilted your head in wonder. You ran your hand over the soft velvet covering, and finally made it to the end were the two plates were set.
"Miss Crock, I was about to go wake you." Alfred spoke from behind, the way he snuck up on you was quite impressive. You had turned to meet the mannered fellow, and replied with, "You can call me (Y/F/N) Mr. Penyworth."
"As you wish." Alfred nodded his head, and began to turn.
"Uh, excuse me," You had called out before he could get three steps away, he had stopped and turned to your attention, "I noticed there are only two plates, is Mr. Wayne going to be attending breakfast?"
"Master Bruce rarely ever attends to meals here," Alfred replied, hands behind his back, "Master Dick is usually the only one that does."
You sighed mentally, Dick was already a pain to you, but you looked toward the end of the table where an empty spot that a plate should be was, your guess is, it was Mr. Wayne's chair, and it hasn't been used in quite some time.
"I'll just wait for Dick then," you muttered, pulling a chair opposite of another, you placed your hand upon your cheek after you sat down, and then very softly said, "Time to get used to the usual."

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