Chapter Ten | Change

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I love this Chapter!

(Y/F/N) = Your First Name

Episode: "Welcome to Happy Harbor".


Chapter Ten


          Dick had went home, battered up after taking down Mr. Twister. The team ended up working great together, shoving the doubts each person had in the beginning away. He had retreated to his bedroom, seeking rest. Staring at his ceiling, while laying on his bed, he imagined the day he'd actually lead this team, he waited for it desperately, desperately so he'd please his mentor, so one day he'd have enough experience to become Batman.   
         Bruce was his adoptive father, but Dick certainly knew he was some one he wanted to be, to replace when Bruce couldn't be the Batman anymore. Dick has pondered on that thought for quite some time, yet, he knew he really should be worthy of becoming him. And just like anyone else, the blue eyed boy sighed while closing his eyes, he had his insecurities. His doubts. The dreadful words that run through his head, tugging the anchor deeper, and deeper into the mess of his mind.
         "Master Dick, your presence is wanted downstairs," Alfred broke Dick from his train of thought, ripping his eyes open so he'd land on Mr. Pennyworth, "It appears Master Wayne has a very important matter to discuss."

Two Days Later

         Canary led you to the end of the hall, it was the first time you've been out of your cell. The both of you walked in complete silence. She had gave you trust, letting you walk without shackles. Soon, she had stopped and the metal door slid open from below to the top. She looked toward you, and you knew that some one had to be waiting from within.
        "Remember, steps to redeeming yourself." Canary stated, your eyes didn't leave hers until you nodded and looked toward the entrance, finally you stepped within the room, and inside was the Flash, Green Arrow, Batman and Robin. You had stopped, shifting eyes upon the heroes. Yet, your eyes interlocked with Batmans. Daring, deep brown eyes that haunted you. Canary had moved past you swiftly.
"You're the Ghost," The archer had began. The attention of many league members before you, sent chills down your spine. Canary had sat down in a chair opposite from Green Arrow. The table itself was large and square, enough room for all League members to be seated. All eyes were on you, and Green Arrow noticed the discomfort, "(Y/F/N), please take a seat."
          You did as told, though you felt a different kind of fear. Sitting down you met the Boy Wonders, wondrous eyes.
"We've all heard your situation, and your comment of trying to become a better person," Batman spoke, his voice had a chilling deep tone, that made your eyes snap his way, "Yet, we need your word as of right now."
There was a slight pause before you spoke, "Look, I'm not one of those bad guys who kill because it gives them joy, it never, gave me joy, it was a role I played, not who I wanted to be," You had begun, shifting your eyes to each hero,"I know what I've done is unforgivable, I know that what I've done isn't reversible. I've ruined tons of people's life with the pull of a tigger, yet I was so scared, so terrified that, if I didn't do what I was told, I'd be killed. I alone wouldn't stand a chance against the Shadows. Sure I could escape, but, they'll find me," You paused looking to the table with your hands entwined. "And I'm ready for that, because, no matter what. Even if all of you are here, even if I try to change," You furrowed your brows,"I'm dead."
"You think they'll come after you?" Batman questioned, and you met his eyes once more.
"I know they'll come after me, maybe not now, not tomorrow. But they'll come. They'll take me out without a second thought, because people to them, they're disposable. No matter the skills either. I'm, disposable."
"We can protect you-"
"No, you can't," You cut Robin off, both you stared at each other once more. But, you did leave his gaze to depart your hands, and clench them into a fist, your brows furrowed in frustration and anger, "I know my apologies will never be enough. But, I am so sorry for my actions, it was impulse because of fear, fear of myself, fear of the Shadows and fear of," Your expression changed instantly to sorrow, "Being alone."
"You won't be alone," Canary stated with sympathy, "An if they come after you, we'll be ready."
You ignored her comment and continued, "I want to be a better person, I want to be a hero instead of the villain, I want to help people instead of causing death and harm, I want to have freedom instead of being caged in like an animal to stalk some one else's prey," You stopped to look into Batman's eyes, tears stinging yours, then you said sternly, "You have my word, I will do everything in my power to be the person I've always been, but had to keep locked away."
You waited for a reply, not leaving the Dark Knights orbs. You could only imagine the thoughts running across his mind.
"If you mean every single word, then you'll be living with the same man you were to assassinate." He stated without hesitation. You had widened your eyes with a gasp.
"You don't mean, No, I-I can't do that!"
"Yes, you can," He retorted, and then you glanced at Robin. He was staring at his mentor in confusion himself, "I've already arranged this agreement with Bruce Wayne, and he knows who you are-"
"Wait, He knows my na-"
"And you will be attending school at Gotham Academy with his adopted son." He continued, ignoring your interruption.
You groaned and face palmed, "Awh man, I thought I escaped wearing those skirts, now I have to wear them all day," Robin let out a chuckle and you snapped your head his way, "What are you laughing at bird boy, how about I put you in a skirt and shove you out on a stage that has an audience of thousands."
A low laugh escaped Green Arrow, and you turned your head viewing all the heroes in the room. Maybe, just maybe this could work out. You had thought.

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