Chapter Eighteen | Confession

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I'm cooking it up guys!
*rubs hands together evilly*
I believe short chapters are okay, and I'm so excited for what's to come next!

(Y/F/N) = Your First Name

Minor Language.

Chapter Eighteen


    He had been completely ignoring you, every time you passed each other in the hall, he'd pretend not to notice your presence. You gave him a dirty glare while his back was turned every time. You honestly were sick of it, but what you didn't know is it kept eating away at him. He so desired to be close to you, yet, he had to listen to his mentor and do whatever it takes to keep you from finding out both their identities. He wondered, was it worth it? And asked, would you forgive him?
      Dick kept battling within his mind why it was so important to keep everything away from you, he saw who you truly were, he knew how loyal you could be, how sweet hearted and kind. Why couldn't Bruce see that? Dick began to think, Is he blinded by your past or, am I the one whose blinded?
       He sighed as he walked the halls with his hands in his jean pockets. You were on his mind most the minutes of each day, and the separation of himself and you has been weighing him down. He walked past the library, where he glanced within and saw you at the table, your nose in a book not paying attention to the world around you. He had stopped and stared for a moment before deciding if he should walk in or not. He then let out another sigh as he walked within the large, book-stocked area.
       You hadn't looked up, you weren't even aware. Not until he had leaned against the edge of the table close to you, "What are you reading?"
       You scoffed once you shifted your eyes to view his figure to make sure you weren't seeing things. Then your eyes returned back toward your book, "Oh so now you want to talk to me?"
       Your cold words left the air bitter and frosty. Dick felt a shiver crawl down his spine, "I'm- Sorry, I've just been," he paused trying to come up with a way to put it together, "Conflicted."
       You closed the book after you put a book mark in place, while setting it upon the table gently, you looked into his eyes trying to read his complications, "So conflicted you had to ignore me? I know I was an assassin," You cleared your throat, "keyword, 'was', but you couldn't come talk to me like a normal person? Oh! And don't you dare try to backfire my statement of normal Grayson, because like you said, once we were first on good terms, you told me you came form the circus, circus boy."
       He had gulped, not sure what to do. Yet, he hated it dearly playing the dick card, and being a jerk to you. He despised it honestly. If he could tell you who he was, he would, but right now Bruce said other wise, "look, (Y/F/N)," He began, and you waited patiently with your arms crossed, and back against the chair for what excuse he could come up with, "When I say conflicted, I truly mean it. Reasons I've been distant have become more challenging then I thought it would be, and I'm sorry, I-"
       "Sorry? Really? You were becoming a friend, an actual friend that I've never had before and you just decided to stop talking to me, without telling me you needed some space? I would have understood that! I'm not the best person to get to know, but to have you around here, pretending like I don't exist really hurts Dick!" You furrowed your brows in sorrow, feeling your eyes become watery, and noticing you were pouring out what you feel.
       "I wasn't thinking straight, I- I," He sighed and put his hand at the back of his neck, "Damnit, (Y/F/N), It's all so messed up! I can't tell you, I just can't, you wouldn't understand!"
      He looked down and you tilted your head a little, that's when you shot up with your arms outstretched as you said, "What?! What wouldn't I understand?!"
    "I can't tell you it!" He outstretched his arms as well, and you slammed your arms at your side.
    "Then why did you come here in the first place?" You narrowed your eyes, as you clenched your teeth hidden by your lips.
    "Because I couldn't do it to you anymore." He replied furrowing his brows, you tilted your head again, but with confusion.
    "Huh? W-Why would you care? You clearly disliked me from the start!"
    "No, that wasn't it," He face-palmed, sliding his hand down his face before he dropped it. Then he looked your way again, his expression was clearly in battle, he viewed your face, and within his eyes you saw, as you had crossed your arms waiting for him to continue, he was debating on something big. That's when something happened that took you aback, you had gasped once his lips collided with yours, and his hands slid to the back of your neck to not allow you to escape until he made his point. Your cheeks heated up, and your heart pounded with terror. Once he pulled away, your orbs danced and pranced with one another. Dick then ended in a husky voice, yet with truth soaking his words, "Its because, I think I'm falling for you."
      You were frozen within his grip, yet his eyes were stuck on yours. He just kissed you! And you didn't know what to do. His effect was strong, and you were at a loss of words. But, finally you pulled away as he waited for a reply, "Dick, I-I can't." You spoke small, hands behind your back as you began to avoid his eyes, his hand then went to allow his finger to slide under your chin to lift it up, you viewed his face and saw the sorrow soaking his expression.
      You furrowed your brows, and felt your orbs water, what was he doing to me? You had thought silently, "Please don't be angry with me, I hate it," He whispered, but you just pulled away and shook your head once you realized what daze you had slipped into. He was luring you in.
       "No, Dick," You paused to turn away, then you looked over your shoulder, you knew you had to say this, so you did, "I can't do anything for you, because I don't feel the same way."
      Then you left him within the library, he looking toward the ground so you couldn't notice his glazed eyes. Then once you made it down the hall, you realized you had only one thought on your mind. What were you going to tell Robin?

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