3- Just Wanna Talk

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You slowly started to wake up, and became slowly aware of your surroundings. You went to move your arm, but had a sudden burning sensation in your wrists. You looked down and realised you were tied to a chair at your wrists and ankles. You had a slight rope burn, you must of not been out for more than a day. All the events of the previous day came flooding back to you. You realised what had happened and tried to scream for help, realising your mouth was bound by duct tape, so your scream was muffled. Looking around, the room you were in was dark, and only had one dim light hanging from the ceiling.

Suddenly a horrible stench reached your nose. You looked over to where the stench was coming from in the far corner. You let out another muffled scream as you saw two bodies stacked up, looking pretty recent (no more than a week old). You let out a whimper, and started struggling against your restraints. Slowly you felt your feet restraints and one wrist one start to loosen. You kept wriggling around, ignoring the pain of the rope burn starting to form around your wrists, until you heard two voices speaking outside the door.

"Do yer think she's awake yet, aye Dark?" You slightly heard the higher ton, Irish voice say, sounding a little bit impatient.

"I don't know, you should go and check" The other darker voice said slightly growling.

"Why do I always have to check first aye?!" The higher, Irish voice yelled. "Can't yer check for once?" He argued.

"Just go!" The deeper voice roared, which you heard very clearly.

No! No! No...Please Don't Come! You thought to yourself, with slight tears forming in your eyes as you kept struggling against your restraints.

The door suddenly flung open revealing the two same men from your house standing in the doorway.

"Hello Lass!" The shorter one, with one neon blue and green eye, and one goopy black eye yelled evilly grinning revealing a set of bright razor sharp teeth that sent shivers down your spine.

You again started quickly struggling against your restraints. The two men smiled at your struggle, you noticed the other one also had razor sharp teeth, that looked bigger and sharper than the Irish ones. They slowly started walking towards you into the light.

As they finally got under the light you were able to see their faces, and were very confused as to who they were with their very recognisable red and green hair.

Jack and Mark..? You thought to yourself very confused and scared to what was going on.

"Oh! So close! Yet so far lass.." The Irish one said smiling evilly again.

"Oh! Where are our manners?!" The Irish one shouted hitting his forehead with his palm, like he forgot something. "The names Antisepticeye, but you can call me Anti" he said leaning in extremely close with his black and green eyes staring into your E/C ones, which sent shivers up your spine. "Then that grump over there is Darkiplier, or you can call him Dark. Got it lass?" He said pointing at Dark, who had just been staring at you for this whole one sided conversation.

"I'm waiting.." The Irish one, now known as Anti growled. You were in shock though... Anti and Dark aren't real though... You thought to yourself terrified and confused. "Oh, We're very real..." The deeper voice one, with piercing red eyes said with a slight smirk on his face, who you now knew is Darkiplier. They can read my mind..? You thought to yourself even more scared now. "Yes we can.." They both said at the same time grinning, which made you shiver, which made their grins grow bigger revealing more sharp fangs.

"Right...let's get down to business!" Anti burst out suddenly clapping his hands together, smiling baring his fangs. "I can't do all the talking though aye..." Anti said with his grin growing. "If you promise not to scream, we'll take the tape off, and we won't hurt ya.. at least not yet" Anti said tilting his head to the side, moving closer to your face.

You stared at him with fear in your eyes, then hesitantly nodded. Anti reached out his hand, which you now realised had black claws on and quickly ripped the tape off your mouth. You turned your head to the side and bit your lip, closing your eyes holding back a scream.

You felt a finger grab your chin and lift your head up. You looked up to see Dark holding your chin up. "You're going to help us.." Dark said moving his finger away from your chin, staring at you with an annoyed look. "W-Why would I do that?" You said trying to sound fierce, when you were actually terrified, and slowly kept moving your feet loosing the restraints around them.

"Because..." Anti blurted out. "I know yer wouldn't want anything to happen to your little friend B/F/N, would ya?" He added with an evil grin across his face. You felt anger burn inside of your veins by them threatening your best friend. You felt the restraints around your ankles slip off, and you managed to slip your hands out of their restraints, ignoring the rope burn it created over your wrists. You lunged forwards towards Anti, but he quickly moved and grabbed your arm twisting it behind your back, and pulled out a knife that looked like he had hidden in his boots, holding it against your throat. "I wouldn't do that...we decide when the games begin, not yer" Anti said leaning in whispering into your ear grinning, and pressing the knife harder against your throat. He twisted your arm further and you winced in pain as both him and Dark grinned creepily. Anti pushed back into the chair, and Dark grabbed some chains that were hanging from the ceiling. Anti held you down as you tried to get up and fight back, as Dark wrapped the chains around your wrists onto the arm rests, and around your waist and ankles. Anti let go of your shoulders and walked around to the front of you, crouching down to your level and spoke grinning. "Now, since yer comfortable, we just wanna talk".



Chapter 3! I was seriously stuck on this one, but it eventually turned out extremely long! But finally a full appearance of Dark and Anti! Don't worry Dark fans, he'll have more spotlight in the next chapter :) Don't forget to comment and vote if you're enjoying this!

Fun and Games (Antisepticeye, Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now