4- Heroes in Headphones

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Dark stood up from locking the chains wrapped around you into place, and walked over to stand behind Anti crossing his arms, staring at you.

"As Darkimoo was saying..." Anti said staring into your E/C eyes, still grinning and rubbing his hands together. "We need ya help...and a bit more lass" He said grabbing his knife from before and lightly moving it across you face, down your jaw, towards your neck, making his smile grow larger and chuckling creepily. "You also don't have a choice" Dark said stepping towards you with a smirk, his blood red eyes suiting his dark red hair. "Ya see lass, we want to have more...fun with humans, but having just Dark and I is getting boring..and pretty lonely" Anti said standing up and moving behind you, disappearing into the darkness. You moved your head sideways to try and see where he went.

"Over here lass.." He whispered into your ear. You jumped from his sudden appearance next to you, causing him to smile from your discomfort.

"I have some friends of mine...more like family" Dark said walking closer towards you, while Anti kept circling around you.

"They want to join in the fun.. they haven't killed in a while, and they and we need your help" Dark said with his smirk slowly fading, leaning in closer to you. What do they want from me then? You thought to yourself shivering and closing your eyes holding back tears.

"You.." Dark said answering your thoughts lifting your head up to look at him with his thumb and index finger. "Or more specifically your blood..." Dark added grinning showing his razor sharp teeth. You felt your blood freeze, and heart rate increase hearing those last words.

"I-I-I'll never help you or your friends hurt people..." You managed to say shivering from fear, while Dark still held your chin.

Dark moved his hand away quickly from your chin and growled, which sent a shiver up your spine. He grabbed the back of the chair you were chained to and started dragging you over to the far corner where the two bodies were stacked, and the smell of death got stronger. You looked back and saw Anti laughing hysterically, which sent more shivers down your spine.

Dark dropped the chair next to the bodies. "You see these?!" He yelled looking at the bodies, then straight back to you, looking you dead in your E/C eyes. You whimpered and closed eyes, moving your head down. You wanted all this to be a dream, but the stench of blood, and the pain of the chains digging into your flesh, told you it wasn't.

"LOOK AT ME!" He roared. You hesitantly opened your eyes and looked at Dark, and his sclera was now black instead of white, while his irises were still blood red. He was holding one of the bodies by the shirt collar. You noticed Anti was now leaning up against a wall, opposite where the bodies were.

SLIGHT GORE WARNING AHEAD! Will tell when over..

You looked at the body Dark was holding with tears forming in your E/C eyes. The body as being held slightly in the light. You were just able to tell it was a man, about 26-28 years old. You gagged as you realised his face was mangled, by claw marks. Some of the cuts looked infection, with a green and yellow tinge. He had what looked to be stab wounds up his, dry bloody arms. He was missing 2 fingers on his left hand, his shirt was torn showing whip marks, some looking like they were internal, and it looked like one of his eyes was gouged out. You quickly looked away with the tears falling from your eyes. You couldn't stand to see more.


You saw Dark drop the body and walk over to you. "Eventually, you'll probably end up in that pile" He said slightly growling, as you lowered your head holding back more tears and shivered.

"But if you don't cooperate, you won't be the first in that pile" He said grabbing your chin with his thumb and index finger forcing you to look at him, as he grinned evilly. "Oh no, your mother will be the first in that pile, her cruise holiday will be cut short" He whispered grinning more, staring into your E/C eyes, that were filled with horror and fear. "Then followed by your brother, he'll never get to graduate from boarding school" He added faking a sad face. He then stood up straight "And lastly beautiful B/F/N will look so much better when that white dress soaks red.." He grinned evilly again. You were terrified, and furious. You pulled at your restraints again. The chains dug into your flesh, burning and drawing blood.

Anti made a fake sad face and walked over to you. "Aww lass, don't hurt ya self. That's our job..." He said rubbing his hands together, grinning, and placing a hand on your shoulder.

You looked back down at the floor, upset, mad, scared and defeated when you heard banging against the door. Dark and Anti both looked up startled, looked at each other, then back at the door. They started running towards the door as it started bulging in on itself, and soon flung open. As the door flung open and the light shined through. You saw two men standing at the door.

"HOW?!" Anti and Dark both yelled. As my vision adjusted to the lighting I saw green hair and blue eyes, and red hair and brown eyes. I saw the real Mark and Jack. My real heroes in headphones.



Don't worry folks! This is just the beginning for Dark and Anti! :) Don't forget to comment and vote if you're enjoying this.

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