5- Safe?

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Mark and Jack slowly walked in. You looked back towards Anti and Dark, and saw Anti step back, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Why would Anti be scared of Jack? You thought to yourself, confused, intrigued and scared.

"There's a lot of things you won't understand..for now" Dark said slightly growling, answering your thoughts once again, pulling the chair you were chained to towards him, right next to the mangled man's body. You quickly turned your head the other way avoiding to look at the body.

Jack/Sean and Mark noticed you when dark spoke, then looked at each other slightly confused and shocked.

Jack took a few steps forward into the room. Anti collapsed onto the ground, screaming and mumbling. "I-I..need...more time" He managed to say as he looked down at his hands as they started disappearing into clouds of mist. "I'll be back..." Anti said looking up at Dark and quickly teleported away.

"NOOO!" Jack yelled running forward as Anti teleported. You looked back towards Dark, then Jack and Mark. You furiously started pulling at the chains again. You were so confused, scared and wanted to know what the hell was going on and wanted to go home.

Dark growled pulling you more behind him, as you kept pulling at the chains, as they started cutting into your flesh. Jack stepped into the room, and Dark stepped forward. Mark slowly made his way over to where you were tied up, as Jack and Dark kept walking towards each other not breaking eye contact. As Dark and Jack kept walking towards each other, Mark finally reached you and crouched down to your level, he looked over and saw the body, you heard him gag, he closed his eyes and turn back to you and started trying to pick the lock on the chains.

"My names Mark...yours?" Mark said not sure how to approach or handle this situation, and neither did you. So that didn't help much...

"I'm Y/N" You replied watching him as he pulled the chains and was picking at the lock with a small piece of metal he found on the ground. "Nice to meet you, despite the circumstance". Mark replied with a slight smile, with his brown eyes and red eye shining in the little light in the room, then the smile faded as he went back to pulling on the chains and picking the lock.

"Hey! Lovebirds, sorry to ruin ya little moment. But help.." You both heard Jack say in his Irish accent. You both looked over to see Jack trying to hold back Darks arm, which is holding a knife slowly moving towards Jacks shoulder.

You heard a click from the lock. "Try and get yourself free now..." Mark said jumping up and grabbing a small metal pipe off the ground, rushing over to help Jack.

You wiggled around and pulled at the chains, then they finally came loose. As they dropped to the floor, you jumped up and saw Mark hit Dark in the back of the head with the metal pipe.

Dark fell to the floor but was still conscious. "We'll be back..." He snarled holding the back of his hand with his hand and teleported away.

Jack was on the ground panting after his fight against Dark. Mark reached out his hand and pulled Jack up. They both walked over to you "Hi, I'm Sean, or others call me..." He started to say "Jack" You replied finishing his sentence. "I'm Y/N" You added introducing yourself to Sean/Jack.

You had to admit, even though you were terrified, confused and in pain. You were internally fangirling that your two favourite YouTubers were standing in front of you, and basically saved your life. You weren't so excited however about their evil alter egos, which aren't meant to be real, coming after you.

"Nice to meet you besides the circumstances...So, ya know who we are?" Jack said raising an eyebrow with a slight smile. "Yeah" You replied with a slight smile, the first one you did since ending up here. You and Jack just stood there for a couple of moments staring into each other's eyes, you into his blue, and him into your E/C ones.

Mark cleared his throat as you and Jack both turned your heads towards him. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have to get you out of here before Anti and Dark return" Mark said shuffling his feet, looking slightly scared. You nodded and Jack grabbed your hand and you ran out of the room, and followed them out a front door.

You were running for about fifteen minutes, and were starting to feel a little tired. You, Mark and Jack ran in silence, but you decided to finally ask one of the many questions on your mind. "How are Anti and Dark real?" You asked. Jack and Mark slowed down slightly, they gave each other a side glance. "We'll explain later" Mark said, then sped up again. You wanted some answers. You finally brought yourself to say the main question on your mind. "What do they want from me?" You asked.

Mark and Jack stopped running, turned and looked at you. "We don't know..." Jack said looking down at the ground. "We intend to find out though" Mark said looking at you "We'll explain all we can later" He added, and he grabbed you by the hand, helping you to keep up with them, and started running again with Jack right behind.

You ran for a few more minutes, until you spotted a small police station. "One of my friends from school works here" You said remembering that Dylan (B/F/N's crush) worked as a deputy here.

"We'll meet up again soon, and explain everything we know then" Mark said turning around and looking at you with his brown eyes filled with confusion, and a hint of fear looking into your E/C eyes.

You had to admit. Even though you had just met them in person, you had never felt safer in your life. "Go and get help...witness protection or something, just don't mention Dark and Anti yet..." Jack said looking into your E/C eyes with his blue eyes, more filled with fear and exhaustion.

You really didn't want to leave them, but you knew B/F/N and your family were probably worried sick, so you needed to let them know you were okay.

"We'll hopefully meet again one day, and explain what we can. Till then stay safe" Jack said faking a smile. You had a feeling you probably wouldn't see them again, and held back some tears. You were still so confused, but they can't or refused to tell you what they knew.

Jack gave you a quick hug, and Mark quickly rubbed your shoulder, "See ya" Jack said as he ran off after Mark.

You stared at them as they ran off into the darkness, fading from sight. You then slowly started walking towards the front door of the station.



Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, just had a lot going on this week :/ This was more a very long filler, next chapter will be much more interesting! Planning on posting Chapter 6 tomorrow or in a couple of days. Remember to vote and comment if you're enjoying this. See you in the next chapter!

Fun and Games (Antisepticeye, Darkiplier x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora