8- Test

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You screamed again as Anti lashed the whip against your back, ripping open the flesh as blood poured out, soaking your clothes and then dripping down onto the floor below.

Tears fell down your cheeks as Anti rested and got his breath back, resting his arm. They had been whipping you for the last fifteen minutes. The back of your shirt was ripped and soaked in blood. Rested, Anti lifted his arm again and brought it down on your back. You screamed as you felt more flesh rip, blood drip down your back, dropping onto the floor joining the pool of blood already gathered there.


Dark stood in front of you tapping his foot impatiently. "Anti, this is taking too long" Dark growled folding his arms, still holding onto the two knives he grabbed earlier. "Plus, that's not nearly enough for it to work. Let me try" He said pointing to the pool of blood gathered underneath you.

"Aww! But Darkimoo, I was just getting warmed up..." Anti whined, sounding like a five-year-old that didn't want to go to bed. "Besides, you have more than enough there for your test" He added smirking, while wiping sweat off his forehead, with his blood splattered sleeve.

"The blood needs to warm and fresh. All that is cold and old" Dark growled pointing at the blood again and glaring at Anti.

"Well if you have any other bright ideas, be my guest" Anti growled walking over to Dark glaring back up at him.

"I do actually" Dark smirked looking slightly down at Anti. He walked back to the cupboard and grabbed a large empty syringe. Anti just stood watching Dark with his head slightly tilted to the side.

You pulled at the wrist chains again, but stopped as more blood dripped from your movements sending shooting pains up your back. You bit your lip and whimpered, holding back a scream.

Anti turned around and looked at you. He stared at you for a few seconds, smirked and chuckled as he turned back to Dark, who was now walking back over to you, holding the 2 knives in one hand, and the empty syringe in the other.


"This may hurt a little" Dark grinned standing in front of you, lifting one of the knives. He brought it down and sliced your ribcage. You screamed in agony as blood dripped down your side. Dark grabbed the syringe and inserted it into the cut. You flinched and bit your lip as he pulled the syringe back, filling it with your blood, then removed it from the wound.


"That's all I need for the test" Dark chuckled looking at the red liquid in the syringe. "Smartass" Anti growled folding his arms. He walked over to the white chest and opened it pulling out a microscope, a small clear plate, and six small bottles of different coloured liquids. He placed the microscope and bottles on the table, squirting some of the blood into the small plate and placed it under the microscope fiddling with the settings for a few seconds. He picked up one of the small bottles, and dropped two drops of the pink liquid into the blood, then looked at it through the microscope. He started adding drops of all the other bottles, a beige liquid, blue and red, black, dark grey and dark blue.

After fifteen minutes Dark smirked and looked up from the microscope to Anti. "We have a go" He said grinning evilly.

Anti chuckled and walked over to you taking a key out of his pockets. He reached up and unlocked the chains around your wrists. The chains opened and you fell down, face planting into the pool of your blood. You whimpered in pain from the impact. Your feet were still chained on the floor.

"Get up" Dark demanded walking over to you, after putting the bottles and microscope away. You didn't want to get up, you weren't even sure if you could get up. You were in agony and didn't have the energy from loss of blood. You laid in the pool of blood, ribs and back burning, in agony, fresh and still bleeding.

"Get up..." Dark growled again becoming impatient. You tried to move your arms, but your whole body screamed in pain as you remained on the ground.

"Do you think we broke her Dark?" Anti asked, pouting and tilting his head to the side standing behind you. "If she is broken, I guess we will just have to kill her family. Tie up loose ends" Dark growled.


"Who would we start with though? I wonder..." Dark said smirking, and crouching down so he could look you straight in the eyes. "Maybe B/F/N, that white dress of hers would look so much better coated red" He chuckled. "Or your brother B/N (Brothers Name, if you don't have one, make one up). He would never graduate from his little boarding school, or go to college and become an engineer" He added putting on a fake sad face. "Then, your mother. Worrying about you while she's stuck on a cruise ship. I guess she'll become shark bait..." He chuckled.


You had enough. Nobody threatens my family...! You thought to yourself slowly pushing yourself up with your arms, ignoring the agony you were in everywhere. Dark raised an eyebrow as you pushed yourself into a sitting position, keeping one arm planted to keep yourself sitting straight.

"There she is!" He chuckled. "What's the matter? Didn't like my little idea...?" He asked smirking evilly. You growled slightly and spat a mixture of blood that had collected in your mouth from sitting in a puddle of it, and saliva at him. He turned his head as it rolled down his cheek, and growled.

Dark quickly stood up and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt. You whimpered as the force made the cut on your ribs open more, starting to bleed more.

Darks eyes flickered black, and you were terrified of what was about to come as he lifted one of the knives.

"D-Dark..." Anti said with fear in his voice. "What Anti?!" Dark yelled looking up at him. He then dropped you and walked over to Anti. You grunted and whimpered in pain as you hit the floor, but managed to stay sitting up straight.

Anti's left hand was disappearing into a light grey mist. Anti looked up to Dark with fear in his eyes. "I don't want to go Dark..." He said as mist started to consume his right hand. "Let's go" Dark said pulling Anti up. Dark looked at you and growled "Never do that again...". Dark grabbed the cattle prod and you felt a sharp electric pain in your side as you fell to the ground, losing consciousness as Dark dragged Anti towards the door. Then, darkness consumed your sight.

You awoke, strapped to a table. You looked around and noticed you were in a different room. It had dark grey walls, and one big round bright light overhead. You pulled at the straps binding your wrists, but they wouldn't budge. Along with the ones on your ankles and waist.

You noticed the cut on your ribcage had been stitched up, and your back wasn't as pain as it was before, but still hurt and stung like crazy.

You felt a stinging sensation in your arm. You looked down and saw a small needle taped into place on your arm. The needle had a tube that lead to a large silver cylinder. You looked to your other side and saw a heart monitor, which had wires leading under your shirt, to your chest and arms, and wires leading to a generator in the corner. What the hell?! You thought confused and terrified

As you turned your head, Anti's head was right next to you. You screamed frightened and Anti chuckled, moving away from you. He was covered in fresh blood, and it was to fresh to be yours. Dark sat in the corner of the room grinning, and staring at you.

"Rightio!" Anti said chucking. Anti jumped up and down excited, and clapped his hands.

"Round 1 Begins Now..."

Fun and Games (Antisepticeye, Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now