14- Game of Cards

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This chapter may be sad or triggering later on, Ill say exactly when. Just a heads up.


Dark's POV (since I haven't done one in a while)

I was relieved that the plan worked and brought Wilford out, which means we can continue onto Stage two. But of course the human had to escape which caused us to postpone the final stages. To make matters worse, you wouldn't be allowed to leave Anti and Wilford in a room for five minutes without them being at each other's throats and bicker like children.

"I've been generous by holding back on my threats to the human, but no longer" I thought smirking as I lightly tapped each torture device set up along the faded blue cloth on the trolley with my finger.

"I don't want to die..." I heard Y/N think sounding terrified. I grinned and turned around to face Y/N, Anti and Wilford.

Wilford was standing by the door twirling his gun around in his hands, and Anti stood with his arms crossed a few meters behind Y/N.

Walking over to Y/N, I crouched down to her level staring into E/C eyes full of fear.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you..." I said grinning as I brushed a hand through my blood red hair. "At least, not yet anyway" I chuckled as Y/N shivered and gulped. "We still need you, but you're making our plan a lot harder. So don't tempt me " I growled baring my fangs and standing up, but not taking my eyes off Y/N.

"Uhh...Dark? Ya can't kill her, if ya kill her. Our plan is don' for" Anti whispered over to me sounding slightly worried.

Standing up, I just growled at Anti and walked back over to the trolley, glancing over all the tools. "Smart ass" I growled under my breath.

"Aye Dark!" Anti shouted even though he was a few meters behind me.

I sighed but didn't turn around to face him. "What now Anti?" I said shaking my head resting my bloodied palms on the trolley.

"Can I p'ease choose!" Anti whined as I glanced back at him. "Pretty pwease..." He added making a baby voice and pouting, "Yep children..." I thought sighing.

"Fine..." I growled lifting my hands in the air in surrender and walked over to Wilford by the door.

"T'ank you!" Anti yelled as he jumped up excitedly running over to the trolley.

Anti quickly glanced over everything on the trolley, but he didn't pick anything up as I expected him too. Instead he put his hand in his hoodies pocket and pulled out something.

Tilting my head slightly, I noticed it was a small deck of cards. Wilford scoffed at the sight. "Cards? What're you going to do? Play a game of go fish?" Wilford chuckled rolling his eyes.

"I'm surprised ya even know what t'at is..." Anti growled sending a sideways glare to Wilford. Wilford glared back at him, his hand slowly rising his gun towards Anti.

"Easy..." I growled at Wilford pushing his arm back down to his side. "Explain Anti..." I sighed walking over to him.

"Watch an' le'rn Dark" Anti chuckled earning a growl from me as he walked over to where Y/N stood terrified.

Anti shuffled the cards around in his hands, then flicked his wrist holding the cards lined up face down. "Pick a card lass, any card" He chuckled holding the cards in front of Y/N.

Fun and Games (Antisepticeye, Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now