Part Nineteen: Cerulli & Evans

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Me and Ricky were heading to the school to pick up Echo. I'd been a nervous wreck all day wondering what was happening over there. How did people treat her? Did she make any friends? Does she hate it there already? I wouldn't know until I see her. I don't even know that she'll tell me. She's a quiet type of girl. She keeps to herself most of the time. She kind of reminds me of Ricky. I could tell they were getting along well. Ricky loved her to death, and she seemed to think of him as a father. Same with me. 

We pulled up in the parking lot. 

"How do you think it went?" I asked Ricky.

"Don't know. There's a million different ways it could've gone." He said.

We hadn't been in the car for five minutes when students started spilling out of the front doors. We saw Echo almost immediately. She stuck out a lot. 

She saw us instantly, and started walking toward the car. She got in the backseat, and buckled up.

"Well? How was it?" I asked her excitedly.  

"It was OK for my first day." She said.

"Make any friends?" I asked.

"I made acquaintances that invited me to sit with them at lunch tomorrow." I said.


"Yeah. Most of them like your band." She said.

"Oh." Ricky said. "Do they know who your parents are?" He asked while smiling.

"No. But my homeroom teacher knows who Dad is." She said.

"What? What's his name?" I asked.

"Mr. Evans." She said.

"Know his first name?"

"'s Jacob...I think."

"Fuck! That's your homeroom teacher?" I asked, practically shouting.

"Calm down, Chris! What's wrong?" Ricky asked me.

He sighed. "I'll tell you when we get home."


I was angry for the rest of the car ride home. I still couldn't believe that dick was her homeroom teacher. 

"Okay, we're home, what's wrong?" Ricky asked.

"Jacob Evans. The fucking homophobic, racist, retarded bastard." I said.

"What happened?" Echo asked.

"Nothing, really. He was just that dickhead throughout school that would give you shit for everything you didn't do his way. We were friends for a little bit in the 7th grade, but I was kind of normal, then. Then 8th grade happened and shit went down. It was messed up." I said as I sighed.

"Oh." Echo said.

"And now he's your homeroom teacher." I said angrily. 

"I have him for math, too." She said back. 

I chuckled. "Even better."

Ricky sighed. "Well, I'm off to get started on dinner." He said as he walked to the kitchen.

"So, Echo. Who's your new acquaintances?" I asked while sitting down on the couch.

She sat down next to me.

"I think their names are Alex, Kelsie, Ashton, Rowan, and Ross." She said.

"That's a lot of people." I said.

"Yeah. Rowan doesn't seem to like me, but Alex said she doesn't really like anybody." 

"Well she hasn't gotten to know you yet. She'll eventually get used to you." I said while flicking through the channels on the TV. 

"Okay. I'm going to go charge my phone. Be right back." She said as she went upstairs to her room.

A/N: I hope you're enjoying the story so far. There will probably be a lot of parts to it. I'm aiming for 75 or something like that. I have a lot of ideas for it :)

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