El Cautivo

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El Cautivo. The captive.

The captive which is me.

Okay, this is Travis and I'm going to narrate you the whole chapter, but only for now.

I'll be telling you this part of the story, my part of the story... a part of the story that was never acknowledged... a part of the story that no one ever knew.

Let's reminisce what happened yesterday. Hmmm.....

Let's do a flashback, shall we?

FLASHBACK: 0743 HOURS in the Philippines

At 7:43, the team left us to find the whereabouts of the two scientists. They left me along with Groves and Burns. It was getting uncomfortable inside so I decided to go outside and to get some fresh air. I didn't even ask for permission to leave my task, which is to check the infected population on every continent.

I tip toed out of the aircraft and sat on a park bench. There was peace and quiet, I even had enough time to reflect on my life before the apocalypse... to reflect on my life when I was still known as Mr. McCallister. An average elementary teacher.

At my first years, I was a very grumpy teacher. I always get mad at simple mistakes, and shout at my students. But as years passed by, I learned that if you would be a good teacher then they will be good students to you.

I loved my students like they were my own children. I helped them to understand everything it has to be... I didn't teach them to strive for high grades. Instead, I taught them to study so they would learn more about life and do the best of what they really can.

I even make parents see their children as who they are and what they can be.

I make an F feel like a slap in the face, and an A like a medal of honor.

I made kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

But the one thing I will never forget about my teaching experience, was when my students baked me a cake for my birthday. Which showed that I was special to them, and in return, they were special to me.

Even though this apocalypse makes me insane, I will never forget those students... that changed my life.

Ughhhh... Tears fell down from my eyes as I remembered those unforgettable memories... Those happy memories that may..... never.. happen.. again.

Okay. Enough of the drama. Here's what happened next.

A mysterious man was within the fog, within the heavy rain.

Oh shit.

A dozen infected were beside him and they seem to be following him.

In the fog, I saw him raise his hand, and the infected suddenly stopped walking, as if they were frozen in ice.

I prepared my gun with its sights pointing at his head, as he slowly approaches me.

He suddenly ran towards me. I pulled the trigger repeatedly. I continued to fire in panic, causing my shots to miss.

When he was now closely in front of me, my gun was empty. He shouldered my chest and gave me a strong punch to the head, directly to my forehead, which caused my vision to blur and my head to hurt severely. I tried to fight back but he gave me another strike to the head. Then, I dropped unconscious.

We aren't done yet. That was just a flashback. Now here's the real deal.

October 20, 2056

2242 HOURS

Ughhh... Fuck. My head hurts like hell as my vision is still blurred like foggy waters.

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