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December 3, 2056

in the outskirts of New York

1004 HOURS

Jack still.

We wandered through the abandoned outskirts of New York, searching every house for any supplies. Some infected pass us by but it doesn't bother us. We're armed and deadly and we'll kill them immediately.

It isn't an easy job, and we're walking for hours. I'm thirsty. "Carlos, do you have water? I'm fucking thirsty."

"Here. This bottle is yours, Jack."

"Thank you."

I opened the bottle and took a sip. I wouldn't want to drink it all at once, as I'd probably need it later.

So far, we've got a whole box of minute noodles and a small box of canned goods. Fortunately, we also found two large jugs of water. All we need is a truck.

"Keep moving, we need to find a vehicle, a truck perhaps to keep the supplies. They're getting real heavy."

whispered Carlos.

5032 HOURS

After a few hours we were still wandering through the city, taking a few breaks and then continuing the search for food. Real food. We're all exhausted.

"Oy," whispered the guy next to me with the shotgun. "How's it goin'?" He said with a British accent.

"Fucked up. If that's enough to describe what we are in." I answered.

"Haha. My name's Hunson. Uh, you, what's your name?"

"I'm Jack. I was a member of Task Force Alpha before I got bit and I escaped. But it turns out, I was immune to the virus all along."

"You're one of those lucky fellows who have blood AB, right? So what's your plan now, Jack?"

"I think I'll just be helping out with your group while I find a way to rendezvous back to my team."

But then, something from my pocket started vibrating. It was my infected radar gadget. Oh no. A horde of undead is approaching us, 43 according to the counter of the gadget.

"Oy, what's that you got there mate?" Hunson asked.

"Reload your guns. Something is approaching us. Look at this." I said as showed them the device.

"A horde is approaching are way and it's too late to escape now."

They started grabbing the magazines from their pockets and reloading their guns. The horde kept coming closer until we were surround in a few seconds.

"Hit it." Hunson said as he pumped his shotgun.

The infected horde noticed us at once and sprinted to us. I took my pistol and took aim. Carlos unsheated his rusty machete and started slaying the infected, blood splattered and squirted everywhere. He chopped their heads off and severed their limbs as life was removed from their rotten bodies. With once strong swing, he decapitated an infected with his machete. I aimed my pistol at the head of an infected approaching me... then BANG. Its brain matter splattered everywhere. Hunson pumped his shotgun and fired at an infected's face.

"Fight back, we have clear the way and reach the convenience store." Carlos yelled.

We moved along with them, killing each one of them coming near us. In a minute we have cleared the way, leaving some corpses behind and reached the convenience store. The corpses started releasing the horrible stench and fungal spores and roots where on the road.

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