Lost In The Desert

106 4 1

November 2, 2056

1245 HOURS

in Abu Dhabi

This is still Jack.

"Burns, remember after we find what we're looking for we'll send you our coordinates, just stay here with Evelyn, Kenny, and Sergeant Randall.", I ordered him as we left the aircraft.

1323 HOURS

The sun was directly above us, the heat is killing us. It's like we're walking through hell, even though I've never been there.

The buildings are so high and there's a lot of infected wandering in the place. I took off my jacket, but it wasn't enough.

The place was so hot that my shirt is wet, wet from my sweat. Every minute we walked through the streets, I couldn't stop wiping my sweaty face with a my sleeves.

Unexpectedly, we stumbled upon a horde of infected. We aimed our assault rifles and prepared to fire at them before they got closer.

But Mark escaped from the Boeing C-17 and covered us. The infected horde got nearer and nearer. Mark inhale and opened his mouth, then he spat on the infected repeatedly. Some of the infected burned and corroded as smoke was released from their scorching skin. They all shrieked in pain as they burned up from Mark's acid spit as he had done it again.

All of them died, because of my son. I'm kinda proud, he's so brave.

"Mark, here with me!" I said to him.

"Okay dad."

I grabbed some tissue paper from my pockets and wiped the acid off his mouth. A part of the tissue paper ignited and turned into ash, as the acid from his lips dried off.

"Good job son" I told Mark with a smile as I gave him a pat on the head.

We could sure use Mark as a weapon against the infected, but I can't risk him to fight them because he's too young.

"Now go back to the airplane and sleep or play, just don't follow us again. You promise?"

"Yes dad."

Due to my orders, John got out and fetched Mark to take car of him inside the Boeing C-17.

1445 HOURS

We're damn tired after all the time clicking the assault rifle's trigger and fighting our way through these dangerous streets.

Minutes after, we reached a donut shop... but something different.

From afar, we saw a donut shop that was barricaded with barbed wires and metal fences while a armored personnel carrier was parked outside. A team of men in white suits were guarding the entrance.

With this distance, I couldn't recognize who they are and so did the others.

We moved forward, taking the risk that they may be enemies.

As we went nearer, we realized they were agents of the Providence.

Haytham was also with them.

"Jack, nice to see you here. But if I may ask, what's your objective here in Abu Dhabi?" said Haytham.

"Well, Morgan commanded me that we kill all the unusual infected in this area that's all, he wasn't even specific. At this time we were just strolling through the place looking for survivors." I replied.

"Ah, I see. We have something to tell you, I know what Morgan wants you to kill.", said Haytham as took folder from his backpack. He opened the folder and took a document with some photos.

Haytham started discussing. "They're the Terrorclaws, a new infected mutation but a very dangerous, too hostile, so aggressive.", he told me as he showed me a photo from the folder.

"As you can see and as the name implies, the Terrorclaws are a mutated specie of infected that have large claws and long arms but had a very thin body and almost exposed ribs.", he added.

"Let's get moving." I uttered as I unsheathed my katana.

We walked through the streets along with the Providence's forces, under the sun's light... under its fiery rays.

I could barely open my eyes.

1553 HOURS

After walking through this hell-like desert. Pretty much deserted.

Within several minutes, we reached a high building, with the number, 45 written in black paint.

We kept hearing extremely loud shrieks and terrifying groans, but where could it come from?

From nowhere, some infected broke out from the glass entrance while shrieking like crazy monkeys.

Ahaha. These infected are going to be dead meat.

But more and more came out of the shattered glass entrance, more than a dozen of these infected came out and shrieked as they tried to approach us.

Oh no.


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