Beyond The Blue

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Oh, hello!

Hey this is Garth.

I will be narrating this part of the story to you.

The one about the Omega Elite's mission on the moon, which you'll know later. 

Don't know me yet do you? 

For you to know, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Garth Edge of the Omega Elite.

Before we move on with the story, let's discuss Project Luna.

Project Luna has been planned by the International Aeronautic Space Administration (IASA) at the same time they planned to heal the world using the airborne medicine that they've released. Project Luna is our mission to land once again on the moon but with a new and more advanced spacecraft.

It's called the Space Transportation System Vengeance, or the STS Vengeance, which is the first of its kind but we're working to produce more.

In 2050, we made a secret mission to create a research facility on the moon, and we succeeded, but none is inhabiting it yet. No one because after that we didn't have enough funds to send people on the moon, neither for a another flight.

That's the main goal of Project Luna... to create a civilization on the moon. A small community, containing several houses, a research facility, laboratory, and an evacuation center.

This project was created primarily by the president of the USA.

Now that the world is in a dangerous state, it is the perfect time for Project Luna.

October 31, 2056

0843 HOURS

The Vengeance's outer covering was completely lustrous and flickered in the sun's light.

The STS Vengeance is fueled and ready to fly into the exosphere, the crew is just waiting for the signal coming from Horizon Mission Control (HMC). The crew aboard the Vengeance is a dozen, including me.

"Are we still going or not?", I asked the HMC through my handheld transceiver.

"Yes, you are. In about ten seconds, so hold on tight. "

I got excited because it will be my first time to reach the outer space and my friends are veterans. I may be an elite member of the Omega Elite but I'm not a veteran astronaut.

Later on I started to hear the HMC's countdown.

"10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Booster Ignition. We have a lift off."

The heavens started to turn black as we got higher and higher above the sky. Beyond the blue layer, into the outer space. The once gigantic buildings seemed tiny if seen from the Vengeance this high. The roads seemed like traces of a pencil.

Then as we went higher, you'll see a big blue planet surrounded with clouds.

We were just moments away from the moon, and from this far away, you could see the Horizon Space Station (HSS) on its top.

A few moments later, we were now on the earth's natural satellite, which is what we call the moon.

The Vengeance has landed.

So you know, I'm a big fan of astronauts, especially Neil Armstrong.

"Once small step for man... One giant leap for the Resistance.", General Miles mockingly uttered.

I took a look around and I saw the earth from a distance.

It was just like a tiny blue pea. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Our team went inside the Horizon Space Station, and proceeded to the hallway.

We left the builder drones and the robotic helpers outside with the materials needed for constructing the buildings.

In the HSS, the team had coffee and ate dinner before we began with the business we had to attend to.

Several minutes later, we moved to the meeting room and scanned the whole earth to know the number of infected within every known area through our satellite. Every red skull in the radar's map represents a hundred thousand infected.

Everybody was doing research and scanning the whole world for any threat, in a case where a life is at danger, we will automatically fire our missiles at that area. That's why we're scanning the whole world, each two countries for every operative in the room.

Unexpectedly, I heard the push of a button, someone had fired a missile already. Then, the others did also. I hope we could help them instead of killing them unintentionally.

November 2, 2056 

1822 HOURS

Then, we recieved a transmission from the computer, and it was a call from a Captain Griffin from the Task Force Alpha.

"Omega Elite, this is Jack Griffin, Captain of the Task Force Alpha, we need immediate help, we want you to fire a quick blast on to the Building 45 and fast! We've already sent you the coordinates! Fire now before the terrorclaws escape!"

"Affirmative. You have just a minute to escape. Timer starts now." I replied.

I opened up the cover of the laser's button. I placed the coordinates and centered it exactly at the building and pressed the shiny red button.

Then, it when zap!

A blue laser streak dashed through the outer space and fell straight down to the earth.

After all that, the camera showed us a collapsing building after being hit by our deadliest long-ranged laser turret... there was a quick but enormous explosion and lots of debris flew in the air as smoke covered the area.

Then I saw the Task Force Alpha by the side of the other building.

Phew. Glad they're fine.

I'm sorry because it's quite brief because it's just what you need to know from me for now.

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