The Concert

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It's still Jack.

November 23, 2056

2245 HOURS

in Safe Haven Complex Central Concert Center (SHC4)

Our aircraft is still soaring through the air and about to reach the concert venue. The wind is pretty strong and the dark sky looks calm and so does the vicinity. We're about to reach SHC4.

We could see thousands of people from above, getting ready for the concert and so are the Resistance guards scattered within the place. There were mounted machine guns in every metal barricade and a Resistance at every corner in case something goes wrong.

As we were about to reach the land, the sun was about to set.

Everybody looks excited. The whole stage is ready for the performances. We got closer to the ground, and then we landed at last.

After we opened the door of the aircraft and got out, all we saw were flashes... coming from cameras. A dozen of photographers took pictures of us as we got outside. The flashes continued glaring in our faces, blinding us for a few seconds. Some Resistance guards escorted us for our safety to our seats. We were led to Joseph Morgan, and had a little chit-chat with him.

"A splendid evening to you, Captain Griffin. I'm glad you could arrive at our celebration." said Morgan as he lend out his hand so we could have a handshake.

I replied as I shook his hand. "Yeah, a fine evening it is. Hope this concert will be a great one. Don't disappoint me."

"Yes, Griffin. We've hired the best bands in town. Well... They're the only living bands in town. This concert will the best." He answered back as he smiled at me.

 "I'm looking forward to this." I answered back once more.

A lot more people came entering from the gates, and started relaxing on the remaining seats.

1157 HOURS

I've been waiting for so long, it isn't midnight yet. Hope I ain't lookin' weird because I brought my journal along at the concert in case it isn't starting yet.

November 24, 2056

0000 HOURS

The long wait is over. It's midnight.

As the clock struck twelve, everybody started shouting in excitement. The music started playing as the pyrotechnics burst from the stage. Colorful spotlights spun at the whole place. The audience started shouting louder and louder. Well, that includes me.

The music coming from the speakers became thunderous as the band came out of the stage and started to perform.

"Please welcome... The Guns N' Science, the band of our well-known Resistance scientists!" the announcer exclaimed.

There was a round of applause, extremely loud clapping and shouting.

I didn't know they could play the guitar that well, and sing pretty good. I couldn't stop myself from cheering. Aside from science, they're masters in music too. The pyrotechnics sparkled a lot more as the fireworks burst once more into the night sky.

"After the Guns N' Science band, here comes the Resistance Orchestra!" the host announced.

The fireworks began to burst once again and rapidly as the pyrotechnics continued to glimmer the stage. The band is composed of many Resistance soldiers and guards but this time, they're armed with instruments instead of guns.

Suddenly, my tracked started beeping and several red dots started spawning from the green radar, showing the existence of infected in the area. My heart stopped for a second, I didn't know what to do. As seconds continue to pass by, the red dots in the green radar got closer and closer to the center which is the concert venue. I have to warn them.

"Sir, we have to stop the concert. Everybody must leave." I told Morgan.

"Are you insane? This is fun. You don't even have a valid reason." He replied.

"But sir, look at the radar." I said as I showed him the radar which detects incoming infected. The green radar is now full of red dots on the left side.

His eyes enlarged as I showed him the radar, he was quite shocked.

"Tell the guards to fire at will" said Morgan but he was interrupted by steps being heard from the distance.

The pyrotechnics still continued to sparkle in the stage as the fireworks burst into the night sky, everybody was still having fun. But they don't know that there's some danger ahead.

The steps we both heard became louder, it's like the infected horde is getting closer.

"What's that I hear?" I overheard one soldier ask to the other guards. The marching got louder.

The band stopped promptly as a thousand of infected breached the gates. The reached the audience and proceeded in devouring them, but we didn't let them, neither did the audience.

"Everybody fight back with anything your hand lays upon! Everything is your weapon!" I shouted as I fought the infected with my katana.

The people in the seats fought back with by kicking and striking the infected with the chairs. The Resistance guards fought back with all force with their assault rifle and so did my task force.

But still, the music was playing on as we raged war with the infected, the fireworks continued to burst as the band played on the stage once again. We got energized once more.

The Guns N' Science continued to perform despite being attacked by the infected reaching the stage. In return, they kicked every infected that reaches the stage as they continued to perform. This time, Professor Schmidt was on the vocals singing "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi as he fought the infected with his revolver.

"It's my life! And it's now or never...'Cause I ain't gonna live forever... I just want to live while I'm alive"

"This is one good fight, sir! I've never been in a fight like this!" said Groves as he fired his assault rifle at the infected.

"Yeah, I'm liking this for the first time!" I replied as I slashed an infected with my katana, it's blood squirted on my leather jacket.

Professor Schmidt sang louder as song reached its end.

"It's my life! And it's now or never... 'Cause I ain't gonna live forever... I just want to live while I'm alive 

My heart is like an open highway! Like Frankie said.. I did it my way.. I just want to live while I'm alive

'Cause it's my life!"

There was a streak of red sparkling light that dashed from the stage to the air as the professor sang the last line of the song. A large red firework explosion emerged from the night sky. So beautiful.

As soon as the song ended, we killed every single infected that breached the gates, not a single alive and not a single dead from everybody who attended the concert. Because of everybody's participation, we killed them all and no one was killed in the audience.

"We did it guys! We did it! Thanks to everybody's cooperation." Professor Schmidt said on the microphone.

After a few more minutes, everybody cleaned up the venue and left with their cars, and some on their helicopters.

President Morgan approached me and said, "Griffin, meet me on November 27 at the Resistance Headquarters. We'll have a short meeting with the some members of the Providence. I'll be expecting you."

"Will do. You can count on it." I replied before I could enter our aircraft, then I gave a salute and so did he. After that, our aircraft left once again and soared through the beautiful night sky.

What an awesome night this is.


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