Let Me Show You

140 5 1

October 23, 2056

1130 HOURS

Still Jack.

We approached the gunship but before we could proceed, a man in a yellow leather jacket came out of the white AC-130. He wasn't armed, and kinda looks innocent.

"We come in peace. I'm Commander Holmes. I know you're part of the Resistance and we need your help. Follow me inside the gunship, quickly.", said the man.

"No, tell us who you are and what you want.", I said.

"Just follow me. Let me... let me show you. There's something you have to know."

I couldn't disagree more, I was too curious. Well, I saw the innocence in his green eyes, it's like he has no malevolence in his invitation.

I chose not to speak but entered the gunship.

"This is going to be quick trip." said Holmes.

"Well, make sure of that" I said.

1229 HOURS

Our gunship reached a wide white carrier in the middle of the sea. As we landed we continued to follow Holmes as he led us to a lustrous cylindrical elevator, we entered it then it went further below.

It was revealed that we are not standing on a carrier. We were actually on an underwater building and that was just the rooftop.

He brought us to the lobby and it had a large blue P for a sign which was located on the middle. The sides of the whole facility are windows which give you a fascinating view of the aquatic animals, as they calmly swim in the sea.

Everybody was in uniform which was the one that Holmes is wearing. Some were in hazmat suits, and the guy who passed in front of me was in a diving gear.

"I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Commander Haytham Vincent Holmes, welcome to the Providence Headquarters.", he greeted me as he shook my hand. "And you are?", he asked.

"Captain Jack Griffin of the Task Force Alpha. I'm working for the Resistance. My friends with me are Miguel and Lieutenant Groves, which are also members of my task force."

"I think a little introduction is necessary. The Providence..." he said pointing at the blue P on the middle on the wall, "...is a religious clandestine military organization and research team that fights the infected that roam earth, and it's about time that we reveal ourselves." Haytham uttered.

"Follow me. Let me show you something. There's something the Resistance must know.", said Haytham.

We walked through a glass hallway until we reached our destination. Haytham brought us to a laboratory, an enormous one with dozens of metal cages and glass containers. There were several metal workbenches and countless liquid substances in the clear cabinets. Haytham scanned his hand on the door near a cabinet, then it automatically opened.

He turned the lights on then we followed him into the room.

He carried a glass container with water then showed it to us, it contained infected fishes. The fishes had fungus all over their bodies and were polluting the water by releasing some kind of acid from their mouths.

"There's a lot more you have to see.", said Haytham.

He showed us a glass wall that had infected insects inside it. Well, something wasn't normal with it... it had the size of a human. Not only the insects were shocking but also the wolves. The wolves had glowing yellow eyes, a very broad body, and thin limbs.

"We call the insects, Locusmites. The locusmites were once a genetic modification experiment of a locust and termite, which resulted in a hybrid of the two. Now, they got infected and multiplied in size, they've already scattered around the world. This time, the wolves are the problem because they're already in Germany. We call them the Nightfangs, once normal wolves that were mutated then infected. They're carnivorous and won't stop eating any uninfected in sight. That's why at this moment, they're trying all they can to escape their cell. You have to tell this to the Resistance."

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