~The Lost Prince~

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AN: Slightly triggering content below. This includes: Self-harm, depression, and suicidal thoughts. It is not recommended for those triggered by this
"Well if it isn't another Hylian boy." The unseen speaker said. The leaves rustled as they moved, accompanied by an odd creaking noise. "Come here to slay the dreaded beast within? Come here to kill me? Well go ahead! P-put me out of my misery! I-It won't help..." The speaker faltered for a moment, "J-just do it already! I-it won't w-work! I-I've already t-tried..."
Link began to feel pity on this mysterious person. They weren't evil, they just needed a friend. "I'm not here to kill you." He said, "I'm here to find a friend I was separated from."
"A-a friend?" The speaker said, seemingly shocked at the word choice, "W-what is your f-friend like?"
"Uh well, he's nice, and sweet, and kind of cute." The Hylian boy admitted, "He's surprisingly strong, and has a really good singing voice. I love his laugh more than anything though."
"O-oh." The speaker said, "W-well I h-hope you find this f-friend of yours s-soon. He sounds l-like a nice guy. C-could you tell m-me a bit about yourself?"
"Why not just come out and talk to me?" Link asked, "It's what friends do."
"W-we're friends?" The voice inquired, seeming rather intrigued.
"Yeah! Friends!" Link said happily, "You sounded like you needed somebody close."
"I-I'm still staying back h-here. I'm too ugly."
"That's fine," Link replied, "if it's what you're comfortable with."
"A-alright. So who are you?"
We talked for hours. By the time I was done I knew who this was, but he didn't know it was me somehow.
He had told me everything. All the pain and suffering of being alone, the story behind every leap off a cliff or attack on a traveler just to get hacked to pieces. He poured out his soul to me on that day.
And I told him everything about myself. Some secrets not even those closest to me knew. Stories of hatred towards my own self, and dreams of what I could be. Wishes of being normal for once, of having friends and maybe even a lover. A wish to be free.
And we told one another of the times we didn't feel good about ourselves. The times we wanted to die. The story of every scar or burn on our young bodies.
He thought I was a stranger. But I knew he was more than a friend.
"I have to go now," I said, "See you again soon?"
"N-no! Don't l-leave me here alone..."
"But I have to go. I need food to survive and I don't have any with me."
"I-I can get you f-food! I can g-get you anything y-you need."
"I'm only going to stay if you show yourself." I needed to confirm if it was really him.
"A-alright..." He stepped out from the bushes and I couldn't believe what I saw. My old friend, Skull Kid.
A/N: I love yet really hate the way I wrote this out?

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