~A Bittersweet End~

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Quick foreword - Thank you all for giving me such positive comments! Sadly, this will be the last chapter in this book (regretfully for me to,) but! I will write another one!!!
That morning I woke up lying next to him. For moment, I panicked, thinking I had made a mistake, that we had gone too far with our relationship. But then I remembered the events of the previous day and relaxed. Skull Kid surely understood my discomfort.
I sat there for a moment, not wanting to wake my lover from his slumber. His face was so serene, so peaceful, so relaxed... I softly touched his wooden skin, allowing my fingers to wander across it. I remembered the feeling from day we first fell in love. We were so young, so reckless. But now? I was so nervous of revealing our affections and how deep they ran. I couldn't speak of what I felt. It was an evil desire, one I regretted feeling.
I pulled myself out of bed, and began to change my clothes, hoping to move quickly. I didn't want him to catch a glimpse of my naked body. But then again he would eventually, wouldn't he?
I was still fearful though. Once fully dressed, I snuck out, leaving Skull Kid to sleep. But he wasn't really a kid anymore, wasn't he? I'd have to ask him about that.
I returned about an hour later, to see him sitting on the edge of my bed, loosely clothed. "Please don't leave like that... it scared me."
I frowned in concern, "I'm sorry, I didn't know how it would make you feel... that is the first time I've ever slept with somebody."
"So you mean you've never shared a bed with anyone?" He asked, looking rather curious, "I would've assumed you an-"
"We're not talking about that. The past is in the past." I said, trying to avoid mentioning the princess. She's like that strange mask salesman, speak his name and he shall come.
"Link, I'm sorry I had to bring it up..."
"It's alright, I know you didn't mean any harm."
He seemed rather downcast. "Link... I'm not sure if this relationship will even be accepted now, I'm a guy, you're a guy. It just seems odd to the people."
I was rather shocked, "What would give you the idea that two guys being together would be bad? This is Hyrule, remember?"
He sighed, "My mom didn't much like it. She chased me out into the woods and I got lost..."
I placed a gentle hand on my friend's face, trying to comfort him, "You're not lost anymore. I'll always love you. There's nothing wrong with this, there's nothing wrong with us." I paused, allowing him to take in my words, "You don't need to worry anymore. You're safe now."
"I used to be lost... Now I'm found. Thank you, Fairy Boy."

Fairy Boy {MM Link X Skull Kid}Where stories live. Discover now