~Sticks and Stones~

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"Oh goddesses please wake up..." I heard his voice in my head before I saw him. Link. He was just how I left him, staring down at me with a concerned look on his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked, "Did I sleepwalk again?"
"I found you here with your head cut off. I actually thought you were dead that time..."
He was so scared for me, I noticed sadly. I couldn't make him stay with me if he was afraid. "I-I was just so scared I had hurt you... and that you would die because of me. I don't want you to get hurt just because you love me..."
He leaned over and softly kissed my forehead, "I'll never leave you, I promise. Nothing on earth can keep me from loving you."
I knew it was a lie. He was going to grow up eventually and leave me here alone. He would just slowly forget about me as he found somebody new. I decided to just cherish the time we had left. "Link, why don't we go exploring today, huh? There's some ruins nearby that I wanted to check out."
"That sounds like a great idea!" He said, smiling at me.
I slowly led the way to the temple, hoping Link was following. I had been there a couple of times, but there was still some mystery about the place.
"I didn't know there was an ancient castle here..."
"Castle?" I had thought it had just been a temple, nothing important like a castle, "I didn't realize that before."
"Yeah... you should probably lead the way through here."
Link told me about all the rooms we passed through, what purpose each one had and who would live there. If it were anyone else I would've grown bored quickly, but he kept me focused. Sometimes he would make little jokes or pretend to be a guard or a nobleman. It made me laugh, resulting in him smiling. I loved his smile.
Soon, we reached a much more well-preserved chamber, one I had never been in before.
"What is this place?"
"This would be the bedroom where the King and Queen slept, and that bed over there was probably their marriage bed," he explained, "Usually royalty is married off to various others to form alliances or for power..."
"Will we ever get married Link? Will we ever advance beyond this awkward romance of ours?"
"I have thought on it... It's not likely we'll be able to. You're a child forever, while I grow much older. Nobody would approve."
This statement alone was enough to crush my already fragile heart. Immediately tears flowed from my eyes, and I did nothing to hold them back. He didn't truly love me, did he? If he did he would've wanted to keep us together...
"Shh, I didn't mean to make you cry, Skully. Please stop, you're making me worried.." Link was there, holding onto me, keeping those soft arms of his around my shaking body. "I didn't mean it that way, it's just... we can't fully deal the marriage or even be wed in the first place. It's against the law."
I decided to borrow a phrase I had overheard several adults saying, "F-fuck the law." This caused Link to burst out laughing for some reason. "D-did I say S-something funny?"
"Oh goddesses," he responded, "Who taught you to curse like that?!"
"I just overheard the adults saying it. I didn't know it was a curse word," thank goodness for Link changing the subject. My tears finally began to dry thanks to his words.
"Don't say it around anyone else, it'd probably give them a heart attack to hear such a sweet and innocent Skull Kid using such ugly language."
"Sweet? Innocent?" I said, playing along with his joke, "I'm as innocent as a rabid wolf!"
"Well then, you little rabid wolf," he said, "It's time for you to receive a kiss!" He softly touched his lips to my forehead, then pulled away.
I still had a burning question on my mind, one relating to our relationship. I wanted to ask, but now just seemed like the wrong time. Besides, I already knew how he would answer. But I wanted to at least say it, just to get it off my mind. "Link, will you still love me later? Even when you're all grown up and don't have any reason to be with me? Will you still love me this way?"
He paused for a moment to think, "Yes. I'll always love you, no matter what anybody says."
I nearly burst into tears of joy. He loved me, he really did love me. But I still had several thoughts in the back of my mind telling me otherwise.
That night was the first time Link had left me alone since autumn. I don't know when he left, but it was while I was still asleep.
This caused me much worry. Did he hate me for what I had said yesterday? Or was it just for something trivial such as some food or item that he missed. Link didn't return until midday.
"Where were you?" I asked, more curious than angry, "I was worried sick this entire time!"
"Uh, just went to go see Castle Town again. It's been a long time."
Something seemed suspicious about this, but I didn't pry. I could trust Link, and I trusted that he was telling the truth.

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