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Blood, death, and suicide trigger warning
It was several years later it seemed to me. Link had grown older, almost an adult, but I still loved him. We were sitting together when I noticed an odd iron bracelet around his wrist. It appeared to have some sort of chain-like bangles attached to it. Without thinking, I took it off. When I removed it, I realized it had been holding his hands together.
The now-older Link immediately grabbed my wrist and stabbed me through with the sword he carried. It burned, yet I did not fall unconscious like I usually did when death was near. He smiled, it was a cruel and twisted look, and put the iron around my arms. Only then did I realize it had been a chain.
He remained wordless, binding me to the log we had been sitting on moments before, then placing it upright like some gruesome monument. He placed branches and dead leaves around it in a pile and threw a disgusting scented liquid on it. I couldn't tell what he was doing.
Then came the flames.
The pile caught fire quickly as I struggled to escape. Fire was one of the only things that could actually kill me. The only thing that I had ever truly feared.
Then I woke up.
I was alone. There was just me and a blood-splattered clearing. A knife in my hands and a body on the ground.
Another nightmare more gruesome than the one I had just finished.
Except this was real.
I could smell the blood, I could feel the sun shining down on my body, this was not just a bad dream I could wake up from.
I brought the knife to my throat. Why continue on if all I could be was a monster? Whose love did I deserve as this? I was just a stupid little kid that couldn't grow up. Who could ever find this appealing? Who would ever even consider it?
They'll just grow old without me.
I looked at the knife for a moment, it's surface was so rusty and dirty. This death wouldn't be painless. But then again so was life. I placed along the side of my neck and pulled it through.
Then everything was gone.
Sorry for the long wait, but I wanted to make this next chapter count and not be just filler fluff.
I hope you'll forgive me

Fairy Boy {MM Link X Skull Kid}Where stories live. Discover now