~Seasons Pass~

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Entirely fluff and relationship building filler
Months passed.
Autumn finished off in a blaze of color, and soon the frigid cold of winter would be upon us.
Link began to stay a bit closer to me than normal. He seemed a bit cold and a lot more tired. He wasn't built for being out in the forest at this time.
I had decided to surprise him one day with a cloak made from the straw-like material my own outfit was composed of and he accepted it and never took it off. It was like a good luck charm to him.
He had grown a little bit taller, and had let his hair grow a bit more. He looked almost as if he were part of the forest itself, with his mane of golden-blond hair and leafy cloak. Sometimes he would braid together little crowns made of dead leaves and twigs and stick them in his hair. He made some for me, and put them over my hat.
"You look beautiful," he would say. And I would express my gratitude in the form of a compliment in return.
Sometimes he said he loved me.
At night, he would sit close to me, and ask me to sing for him. I always did. He would smile, hopefully enjoying my company. I always felt safe in his presence.
Is this what love felt like?
In the moonlight, his soft skin looked almost as white as snow, and in the sun, his hair was as gold as the autumn leaves. His smile meant the world to me. He would never let me get hurt. I could trust him.
Someday, he said, he would take me with him to the outside. I had already been, but he wanted to show me the world. I had told him that he meant the world to me and he laughed.
We were at peace.
Sometimes at night, Fairy Boy would rest next to me. I usually woke up with him holding my hand or with his arms wrapped around me. He said that it was a sign of affection. I tried expressing my feelings in a similar manner and nearly choked him. Apparently, hugging one's neck is usually seen as a sign of murderous intentions. I tried to apologize, but he said it was fine as long as I wasn't actually trying to kill him. I didn't know what to make of that.
The idea of being "more than friends" was still a bit of an odd one to me. We still acted like friends, but with more added. He would often hold onto my hand or gave me a small kiss on the the forehead. I attempted kissing once and it ended rather disastrously. He laughed it off as usual, but he seemed dismayed. I guess I couldn't express how I felt towards him in that manner.
I still had my moments though. I would wake up far from his side, blood on my hands, with no knowledge of what had happened. One moment I could be fine then Link could be holding onto me, telling me to calm down. It was terrifying to think that I could hurt him. I didn't want to hurt him. I feared myself.
But Fairy Boy didn't seem fearful.
How did he still love me? He could he call me beautiful and kind when I was a monster? How did I deserve his kindness?
Under the cold starlit sky, I would ask him. He paused for a moment and then responded, "Love is strange. I don't know why I feel this way towards you, but I do. And that's all that matters. Aren't you happy?"
I was happy with how far we had come, but I was concerned about something. "W-won't you grow u-up?" My voice was barely above a whisper.
"Not when I'm with you!" He said, smiling in an attempt to comfort me.
I knew there was no truth in his words. Fairy Boy was growing up.

Fairy Boy {MM Link X Skull Kid}Where stories live. Discover now