~ Hylian ~

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A/N: Back to our regularly scheduled point of view
If you're wondering "Stardust, how do you pump the updates out so quickly?" Well, it's called writing it for yourself. I'm writing this story for myself and I like where it's going, so I will continue to write it!
I did everything I could to keep him here. I gave him food, offered him a place to rest, and begged for him not to leave.
I had grown tired of being bitter and angry. I just wanted a friend.
The new Hylian boy often looked at me funny, like he knew me from somewhere or someplace. He was rather pretty, a lot like Fairy Boy had been, with lake blue eyes and hair the color of gold. His laugh was like the song of birds in the trees, and his smile shone brighter than the sun.
I would often do things that would delight him, such as singing songs he liked, just to keep him happy. He would smile politely, then ask me to sing another song, or play another game of hide and seek. I didn't know if he was truly happy or just doing it to be kind. But either way it made me feel better.
One day while we were talking he asked me a question.
"W-we've been hanging out for a long time, but there's still something I'm confused about. You never asked for my name."
"Uh well..." I had no idea how to respond. How could I have been so stupid not to ask him what he was called? "I-I wasn't r-really thinking about that a-at the time. What I-is your name?"
He laughed, "You're gonna have to guess!"
"You know h-how bad I a-am at guessing g-games!" I said, "J-just tell me."
"Well you never told me yours." He said, crossing his arms in the way I used to when I was mad, "So you should have to guess mine!"
"Fine, fine." I said. I kept guessing names, none of them correct.
"Wrong again!" He said after about twenty guesses. He smiled widely, ready for my next guess.
"Uh, Link..?" I said tentatively, ready for the next response.
Surprisingly, he looked dumbfounded. "How'd you know?" He asked me.
"Uh, l-lucky guess?" I said nervously. This couldn't be a coincidence, him having the same name and looks of Fairy Boy. But wasn't he living a happy life in the castle with the princess?
"Well I guess you deserve to know the truth," Link said, smiling widely, "It really is me."
"B-but you left me! Y-you l-left me for h-her..." I couldn't process this. He was happy beforehand! He had no worries, no struggles, why leave all of that behind for me?
"I didn't mean to leave for so long. I had meant to visit earlier, but Zelda's really clingy. She wouldn't let me leave. Probably because she thought I wouldn't come back."
I was still rather dumbfounded as he told what had happened during the time we were separated. Was he lying? Was it the truth? I couldn't tell.
"And that's when you found me! Well, more like I found you, but the point is I'm happy to be with you again." Link said with a smile.
"Y-yeah, I guess I am too." I said.
Link put his arms around me and pulled me into an odd embrace. What was he doing? Why did I feel so comfortable with this close contact? When he let go, I decided to ask him.
"What was that?" I said, feeling confused in an odd way.
"It's called a hug." He responded.
A/N: Kind of a short chapter, but I really wanted to compensate for all the sadness of the last chapter.

Fairy Boy {MM Link X Skull Kid}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora