Chapter 2: Present Day

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The bar was definitely buzzing now. I looked at the now empty bottle in front of us. I think I need another glass but not a bottle.

"Want another one?" I asked her eyeing that her glass was almost empty.

"Yeah," she said handing me her glass.

I walked up to the bartender. She was pouring white wine for what looked to me like a middle aged fifth grade math teacher. She looked at me and smiled.

"What can I getcha hun?"

"Two glasses of the house red."

"You got it" she said as she rang the guy. "I will bring it to 'ya." I left the glasses and went back.

"It's coming." I said as I sat back down.

"Do you want to get some appetizers or something?" she said without taking her eyes off the menu.

"Not that hungry but if you order I will eat."

The bartender came back with two glasses and we placed an order for a cheese plate with dried fruits and nuts.

"I think we're really meant to be...You know?" I frowned and shook my head at hearing her say it.

Groan. Not again.


"We get each other. It's hard to find someone like him you know?"

Double groan.

"I don't know. You sure about that?" I said swirling my glass.

"Yes. Believe me, I have had my share of men."

Oh...I do.

"So, is he the one?"

"Definitely. You know I came clean about all the men I have been with? I have never done that with anyone!"

Bingo. That is why he lost interest.

"How about you?"

"Me?" I swallowed and placed the glass on the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a guy in gray suit staring at me while holding a glass of something amber colored with ice. He smiled directly at me when our eyes locked. I looked away.

"Have you ever 'confessed' regarding how many men you've been with?"

"To my husband?" My gaze went back to the guy. He was still looking.


"There weren't many to begin with."

"Oh....o...kay" she sheepishly took her wine glass and rolled her eyes.

She was going to give me another lecture on sharing stuff with her when the guy in the suit made his presence known. Tall, strong jaw, dark hair, good form...

"Hi." said a deep, melodious, manly voice.

"Hi." I said back as he smiled.

"Taylor" he said extending his hand to me.

"Not my name but a pretty one if it were." I said looking at his hand.

He chuckled as my friend straightened herself, now very curious about what's happening.

"Are you saying I have a girl's name?"

"You do." I said as I shrugged. His eyes widened as he let out another chuckle.

Meanwhile, my friend was grinning from ear to ear.

"Our husbands are supposed to meet us here." I said as he nodded.

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