Chapter 40: A Request

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"Lizzy. Frank is here." It was my mother. She waited for my response as I stared blankly at the door.

The past few weeks after Nicky's passing were a blur.

My eyes caught a photo of me and Nicky. She was wearing a black dress with ballet flats while I had my favorite floral pink dress on. We were on our way to watch a play that her mom helped organize. It was taken in their living room and Frank didn't know he was in the background.

Another soft knock came.


I propped myself up on the bed and cleared my throat.

"Yeah?" I racked my brain for an excuse.

"Oh, Lizzy. Please open the door. Frank is downstairs." Mom knocked again.

She will never understand the pain. Can't she just leave me alone?

A long pause followed.

Good. I think she got tired and told Frank I wasn't in any mood to talk.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps approaching my room.

"Liz." Frank's voice permeated through the bedroom door.

He tapped on the door and paused.

"Liz, it's Frank. Open the door please." He pleaded.

I stared at the door, I don't think I had the energy to do it. Can I just will it to open?

Another tap.

"Liz. I'm not going away." He spoke through the door as if what he said mattered to me.

I sighed and slid back into bed. I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes. This is all just a dream. This all just a dream.

"I am staying here. Until you're ready to talk. Okay?" Frank said as I looked up to see where the sound was coming from.

I looked at the space between the door and the floor.

Frank was sitting in front of my bedroom door.

How stubborn can he be? I just wanted to be left alone.

I just want this pain to go away. I wish someone could just take it.

They will never understand what I'm going through.


"I didn't know you were still here." I was jolted awake by my mother's voice.

It was dark. I guess I dozed off.

"Uhm. Yeah." Frank replied. 

He was still there? How long was I out for?

"How is she?" Mom asked as I peered through the gap between the door and the floor. 

It sounded like he got up from a sitting position.

"She's still in shock. In denial. In pain." Frank replied in a low voice. 

"Can I get you anything?" She sounded worried about Frank. 

"No, thanks. I will be here until she's ready to talk."

How stubborn can someone be?

I shot up from the bed, he needs to go.

The sudden movement made me dizzy, making me sit back down for a minute.

When the dizziness was gone, I slowly got up and walked towards the door. The door knob was cold. I turned the lock to the right and pulled the door open.

"You can't stay here all night." The light blinded me for a second as I raised my hand over my head. 

Frank got up and pulled me to him. He was hugging me so tightly, my face was firmly pressed against his chest. 

He smelled good.

I closed my eyes. I knew what the gesture was about.

"I can and I will stay here all night, if I need to. You're the only I have left of her, Lizzy. You're not alone in this." He said as I felt tears stream down from my cheeks. 

It felt good to be wrapped around his arms.

I didn't say anything and neither did he. 

I felt him breathe in deeply several times but we never let go of each other. 

"You and I, we need to stick together. You hear? We need to be strong." I pulled away.

I nodded as I put my head down. He lifted my chin up with his index finger. 

He wiped the tears away from my eyes. He, too, was in tears.

"I don't know what to do." I whispered.

"Neither do I. But together we can figure it out." He pulled me back to him.

"Frank?" I looked up.

"Yeah?" He replied as I swallowed. 

Afraid I wouldn't get the words out.

"Kiss me." I said as I looked directly into his eyes.

He looked stunned for a moment then quickly obeyed. 

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