Chapter 41: Fin

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I watched George move about in the kitchen. A smile flashed across his face as soon as he saw me.

I was standing at the foot of the stairs, wearing a printed pink robe that he got for me.

It's been about several months since I moved in with him. 

Frank isn't speaking to me except when we are around our children. I don't blame him one bit. He barely shows any emotion and refuses my attempts to be friends.

Frank and I agreed to joint custody and they chose to be with him. It was difficult to accept but I understood where they were coming from.

Baby steps. We will all be in a good place down the road. I hope. We have to be, eventually.

"Morning." I smiled at him as he winked at me.

He was holding two eggs in each hand. He placed them on the kitchen counter except for one. He broke it in half and emptied the contents into a mixing bowl.

I walked over and gave him a kiss.

He was making spinach omelet for breakfast.

I breathed in deeply and smelled coffee. I looked at the other end of the kitchen counter and saw two steaming cups of coffee. 

I walked over and looked at both cups, one was black and the other had a creamer. I took the one with the creamer, he takes his coffee black.

He was wearing a white shirt and the boxers I got him when I went to Florida for a business trip.

I sat on the counter with the cup of coffee and watched him.

He was heating a frying pan already.

Should I tell him now?

"Smells good already." I took a sip and felt the hot liquid go down my throat. 

"You want grapefruit?" He held one up as I nodded.

"So what's the agenda for today?" It was a Saturday and, for once, we were both free and we didn't have any social obligations to go to.

He was beating the eggs vigorously. He paused to get the salt shaker and sprinkled some into the mixture. He reached for the pepper shaker and did exactly the same.

I didn't know George loved to cook. I always assumed he was always eating out or hanging out with friends before we got together.

Now, I watch in amazement as he orchestrates a breakfast for the both of us.

I took another sip from the cup.

"I think we will wing it today." He replied without looking at me. 

He beat the egg mixture again then looked at the pan. He took the olive oil dispenser and poured some onto the pan.

"Uh-huh." It means we will not get anything done. No chores. No errands. It means staying in and watching movies and eating.

"You have something else in mind?" He looked at me with a raised brow.

I took another sip of coffee and cleared my throat.

"Not in particular." 

He proceeded to pour the egg mixture into the hot pan.

"Winging it sounds good." I added as he took the pan and started tilting it to its sides to spread the egg evenly.

"Oh - kay." He was tilting the pan to the right then left then back and forth.

He was humming.


"Yeah." He was still holding the pan.

"I'm pregnant." 

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