Chapter 34: The Choice

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My panic level started to shoot up.

George grabbed Frank's hand before he even reached the side of the stage where Jake was bound to exit from. From the look on his face, he was surprised to see George. They exchanged a few words followed by Frank looking directly at me.

I shook my head slowly and mouthed "No" at Frank. 

Jake was making his way down the stage when he saw Frank. He briefly stopped mid-step then continued to make his way without missing a beat.

Anna got up from her chair and sat next to me. "Well...that was awkward. Are you ok?" She placed a hand on my shoulder with a worried look. 

I didn't know what to tell her. 

No, I am definitely not okay.

"Uhm. I don't know. I wasn't expecting that at all." I feigned a smile and looked around. 

Cara was leaning on the table, looking smug. As if she just uncovered where I was keeping my dirty laundry. She kept looking at me but didn't say anything. She swirled her drink and took a sip.

"Darling, I think we need another drink. Care to join me?" Anna offered some reprieve to diffuse the current tension. 

I evaluated my options as I watched Jake make his way down from the stage. 

Frank was on the sidelines and George was standing next to him. 

"Elizabeth?" Anna's voice echoed as I watched the scene unfold.

Jake was about to walk past Frank when Frank stepped in his way, blocking him. 

"No. Frank. No." I mumbled and got up from chair. 

This can't be happening right now. Not in front of all these people. 

I walked towards the trio who was now starting to make a scene.

George pulled Frank aside but Frank was resisting. 

Jake merely looked at Frank and smirked.

"You better wipe that smirk off or I am going to do it for you!" I heard Frank say as I got closer.

Jake didn't respond and just kept looking at him.

"Frank! Stop it. Please." I glared at him as soon as I got close enough.

"You need to cool it, bud." George placed his hand on Frank's chest to keep him from getting close to Jake.

"Don't touch me." Frank snapped and removed George's hand. 

"Frank." I pleaded. His face was red, his facial muscles tense. He was clutching his fist, his knuckles white and his breathing shallow. 

Frank looked at me, probably deciding whether or not to crush Jake. 

He looked at Jake who was standing next to me. 

Jake returned Frank's gaze and didn't make any attempt to walk away.

"Jake, please. Just go." George ordered.

"You have the nerve to talk to me..." Jake said in a condemning voice. He ran his fingers through his hair then let out a chortle. "Frank. I apologize. You had no idea. About any of it." Jake's voice cracked. "I need to talk to you. Now." He demanded as he started walking away then stopped to wait for me.

Jake wanted me to follow him.

I looked at Frank, he looked puzzled. His fists relaxed.

I looked at George, he nodded. His eyes told me he's got my back.

"If you follow him, I'm leaving without you." Frank threatened.

The room started buzzing again. People got up from their seats and started socializing. Some of them cast judgmental looks my way. Some were sympathetic. 

I was about to respond to Frank when I saw Mark walking towards us. 

Dammit. The CEO now knows something's going on.

"Stay calm." George whispered as we all turned to face Mark.

"Hi guys!" Mark flashed a polite smile. "Isn't it a very nice evening?" Mark asked placing both hands in his pocket.

"Yeah. It is." George responded light-heartedly.

"Beautiful!" I added.

Frank didn't say anything.

"Uhm. Mark, I would like to introduce Frank, my husband. Frank, this is Mark, the CEO." I gestured towards where Frank was. 

"Hi, Frank." Mark cordially greeted him and held out his hand.

"Pleasure." Frank said shaking his hand.

"George. Jake." Mark said giving both of them a nod.

George and Jake both returned his greetings.

"Well. I better be off, my wife is waiting for me at our table. Enjoy the evening." Mark uttered as he left.

"Liz?" Came Jake's voice.

I looked at Frank, his threat to leave imminent. 

If I go with Jake, I lose Frank. If I stay with Frank, I lose Jake. And where does this leave George?

All of the special memories I shared with each of the men standing before me now surfaced. I wasn't ready to let go of any of it. Yes, it is selfish. As long I keep the ties open, this will never be resolved. Do I want to resolve this now? How will I ever forgive myself for whatever choice I make? I will hurt, not only myself, but the people I hold dear and love. 

I looked at Jake, he and I are such kindred spirits. He loves me.

I looked at George, he and I are strikingly good together. He loves me too.

I looked at Frank, he and I have been together for about two decades. Most of my memories growing up include him.

Just like that, I knew.

I didn't have to think about it.

I looked around the room for the nearest exit and went for it.

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