Chapter 21: Boundaries

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"I am going to have at least a round of beer, or two, after this." Jake and I were in his office putting away the paperwork to close out everything related to the proposal. It was late and everyone had left. "Care to join me?"

"I don't know. I don't want you to blame me for deterring potential lady friends." I said winking at him playfully.

We have gotten to a point in our work relationship where we are comfortable being ourselves around each other. Being silly when no one is around. Making snide jokes. Teasing each other. Being there for each other when one's day sucked. Cheering each other up in our own ways. Kind of like Harry and Sally, only I don't, or should I say, I can't do the restaurant thing Meg Ryan did.

"Come on. You know it's not fun without you." He said piling Manila folders together.

"I can't. Frank is going to kill me, I have already been working late most nights." I said as he grinned.

"Does he know about us?" He said pointing at himself and then at me and then repeating it a couple more times.

"Only that you could be the father of our second child." I rolled my eyes.

"She does have my eyes." He said squinting his eye and raising a brow.

"She has your stubbornness and wit."

"See! This is why you should have a drink with me. Come on. We'll have one. I'll even pay." He said carrying a pile of folders over to where the boxes were.

There were five document-filled boxes strewn on the floor...all going to an offsite storage location. We needed to sort out the ones that can go to the shred bin. I started a shred pile next to me and it's growing into a mountain.

"Okay, fine. One drink." I said giving in without looking up.

"Awesome! This is why we work so well together." He said as he spun around to look for more folders to fill a storage box with.  "Hey. Switching gears. Did you know Alice and Wally are going out?"

How is he so up to date on stuff?

"Alice the Project Manager and Wally the new Manufacturing guy? Isn't she, like, married? Where did you hear that?" I said reading the label on the folder before putting it in the shred pile.

"People are talking about it."


He shrugged when I looked at him.

"When you're done with the rumor mill...I have a few more folders here, do you want 'em?" I said holding about five folders up.

"Yep." He walked over. He smelled good. "You know, I am disappointed that this proposal is coming to a close..." He said taking the folders from me.

"I know, me too." I said holding up another set of folders and placing them on the shred pile.

"So...what did you think about Alice and Wally?"

"I think it's none of my business." I replied reading the label on the next folder. "It doesn't concern me at all."

"Yeah. But..what do you think about the whole thing?" He asked again.

"Honestly, Jake. If they are happy, then who am I to judge? They probably have some carnal reason and I don't need or want to know." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Here, you can put this folder in that box." I said holding a folder out to him.

He walked over and I waited for him to get close so he can take them.

He was standing right in front of me and looked down.

"I was hoping that this proposal...would turn into this project and we know, continue to work on it." He said taking the folder, his tone changed.

"I know, very disappointing. It would have been a really good project for me to sink my teeth into, you know? Call it our kid?" I said eyeing the folder.

He didn't smile. He didn't go back to where the box was either.

"And now...I have to find a different excuse to spend as much free time as I can with you." He moved closer until he was right in front of me, towering over me.

"Riiiiiiiight. Don't you ever get tired of me?"

"Never. You are the most fascinating woman I've ever met." He looked differently at me.

"You should go out more." I joked.

"I've had my fair share of going out. I know a keeper when I see one." He said softly.

Talk about quick witted.

Is this really happening? Is he coming on to me?

"Does that line really work?" I laughed nervously. "Coz you know I could think of a hundred other lines that would probably have been better than that. For example...." I said slowly backing away.

He didn't let me finish. He placed his index finger on my lips.

"It wasn't a line." He removed his fingers slowly.

"Careful. I might change my mind about the beer." I stopped moving but refused to look him in the eye.

"Liz." He said tucking a piece of hair that fell behind my ear.


"I'm no longer joking." His voice was serious, his eyes poring over my face.

"Too bad. Now I'm bored." I said looking away.

"You and I....We're...."

"Don't finish that sentence." I said cutting him off.

" I'm crazy about you. You must know that."

He was leaning. I looked into his eyes to try and get a glimmer of truth. Dammit. It looks like he's telling the truth. I wasn't looking for this. I wasn't expecting this. Sure, I was attracted to him from the beginning. I sometimes couldn't help wonder what he would be doing at certain times of the day. But I tried to say to myself we're just really really good colleagues. And, we're both married.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I said as he just looked at me.

He lifted my face with his index finger.

"Tell me you don't feel the same way." I said as he started inching closer.

"I..." I said trying to rack my brain for a reason why we shouldn't. "If we do this...Jake, if we do this...everything...just think about what this could do." I whispered.

"Tell me to stop and I will." He paused. I swallowed hard.

His face was so close. I should stop. I should just say...Jake, stop.

Come on, Liz. Say it. Say, Jake, stop. Say it.

I looked at him and didn't say anything. I didn't want to.

I want to know what it's like to be with him.

I looked at him longingly.

My lips parted slightly.

"Jake..." I finally whispered as he dropped the folder and cupped my face.

"Time's up Doctor Reston." His lips were on mine.

My brain was trying to catch up with what was going on.I didn't quite know how to respond but that soon melted away. I placed both hands around his neck as I pulled him closer to me. He placed his hands around my waist and closed whatever space existed between us.

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