Chapter 18: Competition

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Jake stood in the middle of the auditorium that could seat as much as three hundred as he prepared to address the entire company during an All Hands Meeting. The meeting is held quarterly at the Conference Hall and the presenters were scheduled on a rotating basis. This time, it was his turn.

Dressed in pin striped long sleeved shirt, he paced the stage with index cards. I sat in the middle of the fourth row. Jake looked directly at me and smiled. I smiled as he went back to reading his cue cards. From the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar figure take a seat.

His back was towards me. He was speaking with the Marketing guy a few rows down.

He must have just gotten back from being away for a few weeks.

George ceased all forms of communication with me. Over the weeks following the break up, I tried to text him but he didn't respond. I tried to call him but he didn't pick up. I don't even have a photo of him since we promised not to keep photos of us.

"George!" The VP of Commercial Strategy called out and he turned around. He looked good. Clearly tanned. Relaxed. He waved at him as he went back to speaking with the Marketing guy.

I have not heard from Nina either. She has been ignoring my calls and text messages. I made a mental note to see her in person.

"Elizabeth!" Marianne, the VP of Regulatory, blurted out as she waved her hand. A woman in her fifties, on the petite side. She was wearing a dress that was too big for her and a pair of glasses that covered half her face. Appearance-aside, she's the toughest woman I know. She wasn't worried about what others thought of her looks so long as she got to meet her objectives, and meet them she did. She and I initially butt heads after I disagreed with her openly during a meeting but we were able to set aside our differences and now...she practically thinks we're best friends!

I smiled and raised my hand briefly to acknowledge. She smiled back and disappeared in the crowd. I turned around to take my seat and whipped out my phone to check messages.

"May I sit next to you?" She was wearing a black pencil skirt with a red top tucked in. Single strand pearls around the neck. Stilettos. Late twenties...Perhaps early thirties. Hair in a ponytail. I haven't seen her before.

"Course," I replied and patted the cushioned seat next to me.

"Cara." She smiled and extended her hand.

"Elizabeth." I shook her hand as she sat down.

"I'm Mister Glenn's junior counsel. Today's my first day." Came her eager reply.

"Oh, you mean George?" I answered with a smile. Of course you are. I can see why from a mile. I was starting to feel annoyed by her attractiveness.

"Yes! You know him?" Her eyes widened.

"Only through work. We interact once in a while, same meetings." I very nonchalantly said. Is the reason why he broke up with me sitting next to me?

"Oh, ok. He told me I would probably have to go to meetings to cover for him. I might see you more then." She opened her black leather purse and pulled out a tablet.

"You very well might." I smiled politely then tried to look in the direction opposite where George was.

People were starting to file in. Some were busy talking with each other while others sort of just meandered in. Some took their time to find a good seat while others took the first one they could find.

I received a few hellos and good mornings as they passed by. Cara was observing everything with youthful enthusiasm.

My eyes wandered off to Jake, he was still reading his cue cards. Mouthing the words. Pacing.

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