Chapter 9: Switzerland

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How can someone who doesn't mean that much to you, suddenly be the most important person?

I felt a thud as the landing gear touched the ground at Mulhouse Airport in Basel. I felt relief wash over me as I looked out the window. It was raining.

The sound of phones coming to life permeated throughout the cabin even before the flight attendant had indicated that we can now use electronic devices. My phone informed me that I am now Roaming.

Landed. Heading to hotel now. I texted Frank.

Just landed. I texted George discreetly as Jake started fidgeting with his phone as well.

Good to know hon. Get some rest. Frank's text came in seconds after I sent mine.

No response from George.

Jake hailed a cab to take us to our hotel as soon as we got through immigration and customs. We sat in the back as the cab made its way through the freeway.

"Everything ok?" His hands were on mine.

"It's the flight. I didn't sleep well." I said looking away from the window and looking at him.

From the freeway, I could only see parts of what seems to me like a suburb. I think I saw the IKEA store minutes ago.

"Something's bothering you." He said placing his arms around me and kissing me on the forehead.

I welcomed the warmth of his body and placed my head on his chest. He smelled good considering we had a long flight. He pulled me closer to him and I didn't resist.

The cab ride to the hotel was shorter than I expected. Several flags hung above the awning while red carpet lined the walkway to the glass door entrance. I walked in with my suitcase with Jake following close behind me.

A big chandelier hung above us as we made our way to the check in counter. The lobby had a reception area with four leather seats facing each other. The bar was to the right while the check in counters were to the left. I saw the business center straight ahead with three computer stations, a fax machine, and a portable printer device.

It was close to midnight when we were both finally checked in. I was assigned to a room on the tenth floor while he was on the eighth.

We both got in the elevator and he pressed the white button with the number ten for me. The button lit up.

I waited for him to press the number eight button as well but he just looked at me as the elevator doors started to close.

I leaned forward and reached for the number eight. The button lit up as the elevator whizzed us up.

For a brief moment, Jake looked confused. Then, he nodded and smiled.

"I will see you tomorrow?" He said tracing my forearm with the back of his index and middle fingers.

"Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed." I responded as the elevator slowed.

He didn't say a word as the elevator door opened. He didn't make a move to get out either. Instead, he pressed the button to close the door then leaned and kissed me.

"Let me at least walk you to your room." He took the handle of my suitcase and prepared to get off the tenth floor with me.

"Thank you." I uttered as I stepped out and he followed.

Room 1015, the door read.

"This is me." I said pushing the magnetic card in.

The red blinking light changed to green as I pushed the handle bar down.

I placed my card into the slot that turned all the lights and electronics on. The lamps revealed a standard sized room with a double bed in the middle. Right in front of the bed was a flat screen TV on top of a drawer.

A writing desk with a swivel chair was placed close to the window. There was a love seat next to the bed, its pattern reminded me of a hideous floral drapery.

I plopped onto the edge of the bed with my purse as Jake placed my suitcase next to the closet. He had his suitcase in his other hand.

"Good night." He said as he walked over to the bed and leaned.

His warm, moist lips touched mine. His lips felt nice and comforting. I wanted to stop but it felt so good. He smelled so good.

I placed my hand on his chest in a final attempt to pull away. Instead of pushing him, I found myself loosening his shirt. My hands traced his chest muscles and slowly started to unbutton his shirt.

I proceeded to lie on the bed. He followed and was now on top of me. His hands started exploring my body as we continued to kiss. His kiss was more forceful and wanting. I felt his muscles tighten as he started planting kisses around my neck. I closed my eyes and felt his lips touch the base of my neck. He went back to kissing me on the mouth and I went back to unbuttoning his shirt. Without warning, he stopped. He pulled away and looked at me.

He swallowed before explaining himself.

"You need to rest." He said getting up.

"Are you kidding me?" I said sitting up.

"No." He gently said as he started fixing his shirt. He walked back to where he left his suitcase.

WTF? Did I do something to turn him off?

"Just like that! This is - "

"I didn't coax you into letting me walk you to your room so I can sleep with you." He interrupted. His voice was low and serious. "I can see that something's bothering you and you are not ready to tell me. You are tired and need some sleep." He paused before continuing. "I am crazy about you, you know that. I am physically attracted to you. No question about that. And the thing is, I care about you and your well being hard as it is for me...I am going to go to my room tonight. Okay?"

Bull...I don't like being rejected.

"Whatever." I said nonchalantly. Disgusted at the whole situation.

"Liz, don't look at me like that. This is not easy for me to do. You have no idea. I will see you tomorrow." His tone bordering between a question and a statement. I refused to look at him.

"Maybe." I responded with half a smile.

"I will wait for you." He said something about meeting for breakfast.

I just shrugged.

He opened the door and started walking out of the room. He looked at me.

It looked like he was going to say something but held it back.

"Jake, stay here with me tonight anyway." I called out.

He paused then pursed his lips.

"G'night." He said without looking at me and gently closed the door behind him.

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