Chapter 25: Unrequited

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With a week left before the holiday party, everybody's talking about who they're bringing and what they're wearing. I barely started on my gift list but at least I still have some time to get everything...which is just as well because it kept my mind off Jake and Cara. I hate that she gets away with flirting with Jake while I have to keep our affair a secret. I hate that she has the goods to get men interested in her. I hate the she is competition.

Dammit. So this is what George felt.

I stared at the screen as I tried to finish reviewing a report.

I love the holidays. People are nicer and in good spirits for the most part. I am a sucker for decorating the house as much as possible without getting carried away and making things look tacky. No fake trees in the house, I love the smell of pine...and peppermint and hot cocoa.

Who was George going to take? Who is Nina going with?

I probably read the same sentence twice. I shook my head and opened up my emails. I might as well...I opened up the electronic invitation for the party. It was a dove carrying a red envelope through a snowy evening. The dove placed the card at the doorstep of a house and the words "Click" in gold letters appeared on top of it.

Whoever told those Executive Assistants it was cute, must have been on something.

I hovered my pointer over to the envelope and followed the instruction. No sooner than I clicked when the envelope opened and a cream colored invitation popped out. The words were in gold. They have chosen to hold the party at the Portrait Gallery. Attire was formal. At the bottom, it had asked whether or not I was going alone or with a guest.

I clicked Yes and with a guest.

Your attendance is confirmed. Thank you and see you there! The invitation glowed then disappeared. Now, I need to decide on a dress.

Jake said he will go but wasn't sure if he'd be bringing Jane.

"Liz?" George said knocking softly.

I turned around to see him wearing a blue sweater over a button down white shirt and gray trousers, one hand in his pocket. He was standing by the door.

"George," I said getting up as he waved his hand signaling that there was no need to.

"Have a few minutes?" He said walking in and sitting in one of the chairs.

I just realized it's been a while since he was in my office. In fact, the last time he visited, he broke up with me.

He looked good, he looked really good. He smelled nice too.

"Of course." I said sitting back down.

"I just heard from Cara that Jake changed his flight schedule but he wasn't clear why." His voice insinuating I had something to do with it. "This trip is important, very important, to us. So, I had suggested to her that she go with you instead." He said leaning forward.

Groan. Spend a week with her?

"I think it'd be a good thing for her, she can pick up a thing or two from you. What do you say?" He continued as I eyed him with suspicion.

That....that....spoiled...Humph! What do I say? What do I say? If I say no, it will make me look like I am not a team player and I better have a damn good reason for not going.

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