Chapter 28

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It was nearly lunchtime and I was immensely hungry, because trust me, fighting takes a lot of energy. I was also detesting the detention that I would get, but as I said, it was "worth" something.

We said good-bye to Hagrid and walked back up to the castle, Ron hiccoughing occasionally, but only bringing up two very small

We had barely set foot in the cool entrance hall when a voice rang out.
"There you are, Potter,Weasley and Ms. Rosewood."-- Professor McGonagall walked toward us, looking stern--"You Three will do
your detentions this evening."

"What're we doing, Professor?" said Ron, nervously suppressing
a burp.
Hermione throws me a look that clearly meant -' I'm Sorry'. I gave her a sweet smile in return.

"You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Mr.
Filch,"-- said Professor McGonagall -- "And no magic, Weasley - elbow grease."

Ron gulped. Argus Filch, the caretaker, was loathed by every student in the school.

"And you, Potter, will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his
fan mail," -- said Professor McGonagall.

My eyes widened at his detention - More like hours of pure torture. - knowing his hatred for Lockhart.

"Oh n - Professor, can't I go and do the trophy room, too?"-- asked Harry desperately.

"Certainly not," said Professor McGonagall, raising her eyebrows.

"Professor Lockhart requested you particularly. Eight o'clock
sharp, both of you." - Minnie turned towards me - " and you Miss, you are to clean some specified sections of the Library. That would be assigned to you by Madam Pince herself."

A small smile crept into my lips. I'm pretty sure Minnie knows I love the library.

Harry and Ron slouched into the Great Hall in states of deepest
gloom, Hermione behind them, wearing a well-you-did-break-
school-rules sort of expression.

"Filch'll have me there all night,"-- said Ron heavily--"No magic! There must be about a hundred cups in that room. I'm no good at Muggle cleaning."

"Cheer up Ron, it's just those hundreds of trophies."-- I say biting into a chocolate cupcake--" As for you Harry, best of luck."
He gives me a watery smile.

"I'd swap anytime,"-- said Harry hollowly -- "I've had loads of practice with the Dursleys. Answering Lockhart's fanmail . . . he'll be a nightmare. . . ."

Saturday afternoon seemed to melt away, and in what seemed
like no time, it was five minutes to eight.

I change my clothes -As in open my robes and put on Jeans and top- And drag my feet towards along the first-floor corridor to the library.

"Detention?"-- Madam Pince asks in her suspicious (as usual) voice and takes a look at me yo check if I have anything that can damage her dear books.

"Yes"-- I say cautiously. It's better not to have your name in her bad books, but me being a 'daily reader' she has a soft spot for me.

"Follow me"-- She said pushing the chair and starts walking. Our footsteps echoed through the library.

She took me to the 'Potions and transfiguration'   section and handed me a piece to cloth of clean with.

"Hand me your wand. I'll come back about in four hours time."-- Pince says and goes back to her table.

And so I give a little sigh, take the cloth and picked up the first book. This is going to be a long night.

Of course, I didn't clean the while time. Most of my "detection" included picking the books to dust them, but instead I just start reading it.
I read about the liquid luck; also called Felix Felicis, and how it can brings the drinker good luck for Twenty- four hours. Awesome, right? But the downside is, it takes at least six months to prepare one Vail of it.

Then comes Amortentia. Love potion. It actually dosen't create love, just obsession.

Then of course was there —ok hold on. I might never finish if I start with this list.

I was reading a book on transfiguration, which stated how to change moving animals into inanimate objects. It seemed interesting, because all we have learnt is to deal with static things.

I was halfway through a interesting chapter, when the heard the chair scrape the ground, and Madam Pince's heels echoing loudly through the eerie quietness of the huge room.

"It's nearing midnight. I think you should leave. Just put those books back in the shelf and here, take your wand"-- she hands me the wand.--" and go"

I put the books back to their original places and wishes Madam Pince a goodnight and dragged myself out of the library.

"Ron must have finished by now.....and Harry also I guess...."-- I mumble to myself. --"I should go the common room. Hope Hermione had something for me to eat. "

As if on cue, my stomach grumbled.

"OK fine. First stop- the kitchens." -- I was frankly talking with my stomach. Yeah, go ahead. Call me a psycho.
I walk down the silent corridors, the only sound being the occasional snoring of the paintings. I opened my converse and take them in my hand to not cause disturbance.

I reach the portrait of the pear the tickle it, and a door opens. In a moment all the house-elves gather around me, some holding my hand, some smiling etcetera.

"Hello, Miss. Annabeth!"
"Hello! Call me Anna!"

"What do you like to have Miss.Anna?"-- I smile at their habit of addressing me as 'miss' inspite of telling them not to.

"I missed dinner today, so is there anything— like—"

The house-elves all scuttled away getting busy. I take a chair and sit on it, smiling at the manner they acted. Soon, I was sitting with a plateful of food and some juice. I literally inhaled the food and went to the common room with my shoes (again) in my hand, and said the password to the fat lady, yawning.
I enter and see Harry and Ron in the common room- sitting and talking in hushed whispers. The room was filled with a strong smell of polish.

"—And Lockhart said he couldn't hear it?" said Ron.
"Hear what?"-- I asked wearing back my shoes.
"Wh—you scared the bloody hell out of us!"-- Ron exaggerates--" God Annabeth!"
"Sorry!"-- I say throwing my hands up in a 'surrender' feature. --" Now, say what?"

Harry and Ron look at each other, and then they take turns and fill me with the latest news.

"Do you think he was lying? -- Ron asks tentatively.

"But I don't get it - even someone invisible would've had to open
the door." --I try to help.

"I know"--said Harry, lying back in his four-poster and staring at
the canopy above him-- "I don't get it either."

Hello everyone. And sorry! I know I didn't update in a gazillion years and I apologise for that!
Well I hope everyone is well and Have a good day!

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