- D I S C O V E R I E S -

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Life was fairly hard for a 16 year old girl when everyone knows what she's feeling. Her parents even refer to Mae as an 'open book' Her eyes have the ability to change colour whenever her emotions change. Pretty much like a mood ring. When She's angry, red eyes. Sad, light blue. Depressed, dark blue. In love, pink.

She was always down and depressed, therefore turning her eyes into a beautiful dark ink blue. All the kids at school would always tease her about this peculiarity, and others thought it was a true gift. But Mae didn't think so. She saw it as a curse, a punishment even. But what did she do to deserve something like this? She would ask herself the same question every day 'why me?'

She ran home from school every day, ecstatic that another day in hell had finally come to an end. Her bedroom was like her sanctuary, a place where she was alone. Free from all the teasing, somewhere where she could just cry. This caused her eyes to change into a light blue.

It was a Monday afternoon, 5 more minutes till school was over. The minutes felt like years, as she was staring at the clock waiting for that bell to ring. She leapt out of her seat as the bell sounded, and bolted toward the front of the school. Mae left the gates and begun to run home. Something didn't feel right, there was a gut feeling inside of her pulling her towards the forest near her house. She followed this instinct, and allowed her feet to carry her wherever they pleased. Mae came to a sudden stop, facing a fairly small opened cave. A tingling sensation rushed through her body, like something was telling her to step inside that cave. She responded and jumped into a dark abyss. She followed what little light was at the end of the cave. Mae kept on walking until she finally met the exit. A bright light shone in her eyes, preventing her from taking in her surroundings. 

Once her eyes adjusted, she looked around. Lots and lots of bright green grass, plants and trees, and pretty flowers in every colour imaginable. And at the top of a small hill; a house. Actually it wasn't a house, but looked more like an orphanage. Mae weighed up her options, and decided on exploring just for a little while.

She started heading towards the cave. Mae reached the front opening, sat down on the edge, and just before she was about to jump back down into the dark cave. Someone grabbed her.

Eyes ~ e. o'connorWhere stories live. Discover now