•|chapter 12|•

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{ A/n: hey guys I was thinking that they should go to Hawaii. It's really looks cool and very expensive, and welcome back!! Name song is "long way home" from tv show stars. }

Ashlee's Provo:
I felt someone shakes my body while I was sleep then I opens my eyes. I looked up at her. It's was my mom. I goes back to sleep again bc I need more sleep. My mom sighed to and hit my butt. I grasp and I woke up...

" it's time to get ready baby girl" Mom say, I groaned.

" mom what time is it?" I says to her, i get up and started stretching. It was feel so goood!!.

" it's 4 clocks in morning and you better to get ready." Mom says, she pulls my arms and walking in the bathroom.

" and don't forget washing your hair. Honey" mom says, walked out in my room. I sighed.

" I WON'T mom!!!"  I yelled. I took my clothes off, I did my hygiene and washing my hair. I get off the shower and goes to my closet. I throw my outfit. I love it. I was thinking what should doing my hair done so I put my hair as fishtail braids.

" Ashlee, you better come downstairs, we gone to eat breakfast before we leave." My sister says, looking at me. I turned around and liking back at her.

" I will coming down in min.." I says to my sister. She nodded, she left. I was wondering why Grayson haven't asked me out? Maybe he was too afraid to ask me out or not? I sighed, grab my suitcases and bring my backpack with me. I went to downstairs and put my stuff on the floor. I enter in kitchen.

" Good morning y'all" I says to everyone, i sat down on the chair. My mom give me a plate.

" good morning sweetheart" mom says, kissed on my head. I notice everyone get tried and they've barley sleeping. I know they feel, my sister almost fell asleep but I already knew she gonna smash the breakfast food. We all looked at her. I sighed.

" 3..2..1" I says quietly , count the numbers. I pointed at her then she smashed her face on the food. I shakes my head.

" oh wow, mom looks at Ash.." Charlie says, looking at her. She looked at Ashley. She chuckles. I remember when she always does that when we were young. She act like baby but I can't control her bc she's my twin sister.

" oh my lord Ashley, wake up" mom says to her, Ashley closed her eyes and start eating pancakes Then fell asleep again. Wow she did again.

I was thinking that maybe I should be pranks to my sister but I'm start pretending that we have school today. She hate wake up so early.

" ASHLEY WAKE UP WE'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!" I shouted. Ashley woke up and looked at me.

" Ashlee we don't have school today, nice try honey boo" my sister says. Dang. I tried to prank her. But I failed. Maybe next time I'll pranks her soon.

" okay guys, we have to leave right now and grab your stuff." Mom says, we nodded. We grab the grabs the stuff and put them in the car. My mom forgot something and she runs to house. We are waiting for my mom. I goes to snapchat and use flower filters then take a picture as myself.

I notice my mom get in the car. We headed to airport, New Jersey. We goes inside in airport. I saw Grayson and Ethan was waiting for me. Ashley and I runs to them.

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