Chapter 2

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You walked in the streets of a big town with the cloak around your body with Cat on your shoulder when two pretty woman walked by.
Cat : hello lady's
(Y/n) : you promised that if i get you a fish you would't flirt with any woman.
Cat : yeah yeah i know. Hey atleast im looking for a woman you are barely going outside only for jobs or eating but if you go atleast try to get on a date.
(Y/n) : im not much of a going outside person okay just let me be im just like that.
Cat : i know but im sure you go outside doing fun stuff if you get a girlfriend.
(Y/n) : even if i got a girl thats strange enough to date a lazy ass like me i don't think she likes my work.
Cat : come on pall there gotta be somebody, i heard there is a guild here you would love it there.
(Y/n) : hhmmm maybe

You guys took a seat outside a restaurant ordering two fish and something to drink for yourselfs. 
(Y/n) just hummed something happy that it was pretty empty.

With the fairy tail group

Erza regretted taking Natsu with her, he has been doing nothing else then puking out the window pick a fight with Gray and then puke again and she could't knock him out cold because he was smart enough to keep his distance.
Erza : i should left you at home
Natsu : well sorry that i can't handle moving death machines miss perfect
Erza : how did you call me !?

Natsu flew right through the complete train until he hit the wall on the last part.
Passenger : oh god your okay !?
Natsu : don't worry im used to this.

He walked back seeing nobody affected by him being punched across the train.
Natsu : thank you guys for caring (trains moves and he runs to the window)
Erza : (sigh) that guy be better strong and not some flirt.
Lucy : you know i wonder how he is like, must be caring for people if he only took 1000 for a 10.000 bounty
Erza : well i guess we see when we find him.

To Natsu great joy the train stopped at there stop and he was the first to get out kissing the ground with great joy.
The others just shook there heads and sweatdropped when they saw Erza grabbing her stuff her many stuff.

The team talked and decide to splitt up for more chance of finding the guy.
Erza and lucy would check the inns and hotels while Natsu happy and Gray would check the places where most people would see some nice things but it ended in only grey when Natsu with happy disepeard.

The guy walked happy around town seeing many shops and people walking around peacefull.
Natsu : jeez this place looks so happh
Happy : yeah must be a good day for everybody
Natsu : while not for that guy who stole Erza job, i know he sounds that he would stand out but how are we ever gonna find them ?
Happy : i got a idea that would work for sure !
Natsu : really what ?
Happy : just look over there

Happy pointed somewhere and Natsu followed the little finger seeing you and cat walking out of a magic shop bored.
Cat : well i now understand why you don't like to go outside in places lile this, he had nothing intreresting or fun and the prices were just ridiculous.
(Y/n) : agree 9.000 thousand for a key that summons a small dog ?
Cat : i know who wants to buy a stupid dog ?
Natsu : hey !!!!!!!!

You two looked up seeing Natsu walking to you with a scrowl.
(Y/n) : can i help you ?
Natsu : no but you stole the job of a friend of mine and she wants to have a talk with you
(Y/n) : oh really and which job would that be and who ?
Natsu : the one from that town a day or two away from here and her name is Erza scarlet or known as tatania
Both :............................... who ?
Natsu : (anime falls) you never heard of her !!?

You and cat placed a hand or paw on your chin and thought about it.
Cat : no not really
(Y/n) : yeah there doesn't ring any bells.
Natsu : what but-but-but.. AGH never mind you stole a job of a friend of mine and a fairy tail wizard.
(Y/n) : oh she is in fairy tail... well sorry but not intresrested but say im sorry

Fairy tail : erza x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now