Chapter 9 : As a Friend.

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"I saw her everytime my eyes were closed. Now that she was gone, it was like being stuck in a nightmare."
- Walking Disaster, by Jamie McGuire  


"It was gross." Adela murmured, while she tried to keep herself stable over the roof. There was something wrong with her feet today, she kept slipping over the tiles. Maybe it was just because of the big, fat distraction, walking in front of her ever so professionally like he had been doing it since ages. Something about it made her frown; she had been under the impression that she was the best at this.

"No it wasn't." Prince Sebastian stopped to smirk back at Adela, "You were so staring at my abs."


"I so wasn't." She rolled her eyes, but she was quite stupid to deny it when they both knew she was lying.

Time to change the subject. "I didn't know you could walk over the roofs that well."

"This is what I've been learning since literally the day I was born." He said as a matter of fact, "Now, thanks to a really weird Princess, I have to act on it as well."

She laughed, but frowned at the same time, "Hey. I'm not weird."

"Sure you're not." He snorted.

When it seemed like he was satisfied, he sat down over the roof, probably somewhere over the Palace. Adela sat down beside him, and purposely nudged him, receiving a playful glare from the Prince.

When Adela looked up, she knew why Sebastian had chosen this place to sit. In front of them was a clear and amazing view of Archensheen. The streets were illuminated by colorful lights as the sun was on the verge of setting, darkening the sky. The outline of the kingdom was covered by Mountains, and the one side that was not, they could see Larcbost from there. Even when the day was about to end, there were still people out there, dancing or giggling.

"Damn. Archensheen is beautiful." The Prince sighed, looking out over the scene.

"I'm sorry." Adela blurted out, and she knew Prince Sebastian was just pretending to look confused, but she added anyway, "About last night. I shouldn't have been so rude."

"You weren't rude, Princess." He wasn't looking at her, "There is no reason to be sorry. You said nothing I had a right to be offended over."

Had a right.

"I knew you were saying that for my betterment." She added, because she felt even worse now, when she thought about it.

"I was, Adela." He said, and she realised that was the first time he'd ever said her name without the 'Princess' attached. He realised it too, but didn't linger on it for long, "But your life is still up to you. You are the only one who gets to decide what you want."

She blinked at his words, thinking she had imagined the off tune when he said them. "You know, I hadn't given it much thought before deciding on it." She said, and when he looked at her all confused, she sighed as she declared the thing that had been bugging her since forever.

"Maybe he'd want to kiss me."

Sebastian looked forward, away from her. And for a minute, she thought he won't be answering it, but he said, "So let him."


"Kissing is no big deal." He laughed it off.

"Of course it's not." She defended herself, "But what if he wants to do more?"

At that, the Prince surely went tense. She stared at his every movement as the muscles in his back worked, readjusting. He looked down.

"Do it if you want to."

"Why'd you think I'd want to serve my precious virginity on a silver platter to him?" She asked, shaking her head in disgust.

"Why not?" He smirked, "He's got the looks. And surely the experience."

She rolled her eyes at him, "I don't think you understand."

"Make me." He looked at her with amused eyes. She sighed, and decided to tell him. He was gonna laugh that off too anyway.

"Call me a dreamer or anything. But I'll give my virginity to someone who deserves it." She waited for him to laugh, but he was looking at her dead serious, which made her say, "Someone who already has my heart."

Sebastian didn't have any trace of a amusement on his face, as he looked yet again, away at the Kingdom stretching out in front of them.

Why won't he look at me?

"I hope you find him someday." He smiled, "Won't want you to stay a virgin your whole life."

"Shut up." She pouted, but got up.

"Where to?" He asked.

"I..." She cleared her throat, "Have to meet Christian. I hadn't given him the full tour around the Palace."

"Just Christian? No Prince Christian?" He chuckled.

"Hey, I'm doing this for the both of us." She protested, "The least you can do is appreciate me."

He frowned, but nodded, "You're pretty fast."

"Wait for the real show." She winked at him, and was about to leave, before she blurted out.

"I am happy to have you as a friend." She looked down, "I don't regret us meeting, even if we hated each other at the start. It's not like we like each other now, just that we don't hate each other. Because you are quite funny, and of course, an arse sometimes, but I can handle it, and we still get along, and even though I hate your dog, it doesn't matter because-"

"Adela. You're ranting." He said, but his face was split in a too wide grin, and she felt herself blush.

So she left, while she still felt his eyes following her till she was out of his view.


A/N : Hollaaa Peeps. I am so happy that I am SO near to 1K. Help me get there fast? ILY allll. :)


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