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Days like this were what Justin liked to call 'good days'. These were the days where Justin would get to stay home and do everything the house required for him to do before Jordan got home.

On a 'good day' Justin cleans the whole entire house all before twelve o clock. He scrubs at the floors and walls. Tidies up Jordans study along with their bedroom and the other rooms and then he will clean the dishes, dry them and then put them away. After the house is clean to Justin's approval he gets himself ready and heads off to the shops where he buys the groceries.

He sometimes likes to walk to the shops instead of taking the car because he likes the feel of the air of his bare face. He likes be smell of the local growing flowers or the fall leaves. He lived in a nice little community just outside the city. It was quiet and fairly small and everyone was kind to each other. Jordan worked for a large company in the city and they've had discussions about moving out there but Justin liked this small town and he wanted to stay. Unfortunately he wasn't sure he had a choice anymore and soon he'd have to say goodbye to the sweet chirp of the birds in the morning and the smell of growing flowers in the fresh air.

Today he took the car. He knew for sure that he'd be buying a few more groceries and carrying a lot more bags than he could handle on a walk home. He got himself comfortable in the front seat of the black Range Rover evoque and checked the time. 2:43pm, Jordan will be finishing work soon and he'd expect his dinner to be ready and sitting on the dining table for when he arrives home so Justin wouldn't have time to go for a quick walk and meet up with a few of his friends before he got home. He wouldn't want to upset his fiancé as soon as he comes home from his busy day.

He started the car up and began to pull out of his drive way, making sure to check the rearview mirror for passing cars outside his home. He successfully made it to the main road and began to drive to the store, watching his house fade from behind him.


Wednesday's at the local store weren't busy days for people to do their grocery shopping so the shop barely had anybody in it. Justin went about his own business gathering all the products that him and Jordan currently needed and added them to the kart of other products.

He saw a few people he knew from around the neighbour hood but nobody that he particularly knew enough to have a conversation with so he simply smiled in their direction and occasionally waved at them just to be polite. He wasn't to be rude to anyone and he wouldn't want to be so he always made sure to smile at people he passed.

Justin had just entered the vegetable and fruit isle when he suddenly felt his cellphone vibrating in his back pocket. He stopped himself from pushing the kart that was slowly getting heavier by each product that he added and stopped to answer his cell without checking the caller ID.

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