Chapter 4 =)

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My hand floated down to my stomach and I rubbed it as I paced the floor of my dormitory.

I took a deep breath and stopped walking.

Draco is waiting for me down in the common room.

He knows I have big news but he has no idea the bomb I'm about to drop on him.

I walk down the stairs of my dormitory and walk into the common room and see he's the only one there.

Well it is a sunday.

"Hi." I say my voice a little horse from crying all night.

He smiles and motions me to come to him.

I walk over to him and he takes my hands.

"Good news or bad news?" He asks.

"Good?" I say questionably.

He raises an eyebrow. "Tell me."

"Draco... I'm pregnant." I say.

He stares at me his face blank. "What?"

"I'm pregnant." I repeat.

"Oh my Lord." He says massaging his temples.

"I know." I said. "It's kind of inconvenient."

Draco looks up his eyes wide staring at me.


"It's not inconvenient, our child will never be inconvenient." He says shaking his head at me.

He then squats down and rubs my stomach. "Just a surprise."

I smile. 

"I hope it's a girl." He says. "And I hope she looks like you, although then we might have a boy problem."

I roll my eyes. "Well I hope it's a boy, and I hope he looks like you."

He smiled standing back up to kiss me.

"We'll be just fine." He said.

"As long as our baby will be alright, I'll be happy."

"That's a mutual agreement." He said grinning.

"It's great to see you out of your depression." I commented.

"Well, this baby is like a sign." He said.

"A sign?" I asked smirking.

"That we're going to be ok, that we're supposed to have a family."

I could only hope that he was right.

*1 Month Later*

Two months until the wedding.

I was getting a little bigger, but it was more like  a food baby than anything else.

It was really weird to be caring a little baby around inside of me.

I was eating ALOT more.

I had told everyone I was pregnant.

Harry, Ron, and Adrian totally filpped.

They won't leave me alone now, not that I could get anymore pregnant if I were to have s*x with Draco again.

I rubbed my stomach and then walked down to the common room.

Harry, Ron, Adrian and Ginny were waiting for me.

I smiled at them.

"Hey guys." I said.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Can you go to class today?" Adrian asked.

I rolled my eyes they were always like this. "Guys I'm a month pregnant not pushing the due date."

Ginny walked over to me and hooked her arm in mine and steered me away from the boys, and out of the common room.

Though they followed us.

"I have to stop by the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey has a special spell so I don't look pregnant." I told them.

"I'll go with you!" Ginny said quickly before the boys could say anything.

They boys sighed and went in a different direction as we turned down the hall towards the hospital wing.

"At least you'll still fit into your wedding dress."

"Yeah, the wedding dress I haven't chosen yet." I complained.

"You're mum is pulling us out of school tomorrow to go shopping, relax."

That's right! I forgot today is friday.

We entered the hospital wing and no one was there. Madame Pomfrey was bustling around making the beds.

When we got close to her she looked up. "Oh hello Amelia." She said.

I smiled.

Ginny stepped away from me as Madame Pomfrey did the spell.

Soon I was back to normal.

She used the expanding spell so that the baby will have enough room to grow, and then the shrinking spell so it doesn't look like the baby is growing at all.

"When will we know the gender?" I asked her.

"Four months. At least." She said.

I sighed, that's so far away.

"Thank you." I said and hugged her.

She hugged me back.

Ginny and I then laughed and went down to the Great Hall.

"Emma Potter." A voice said.

I turned around and beamed.

Draco carefully hugged me.

I looked at Ginny she waved at Draco and walked into the Great Hall giving us some privacy.

"Hi." I said.

Draco smiled and put his hand on my stomach. "What happened to our baby bump?"

"I have to get rid of it if I want to fit into my wedding dress." I said.

Draco frowned but then quickly transitioned back into his smirk. "Well that doesn't matter, how are we doing."

I put my hand over his hand that was on my stomach.

"Were fine, how are you?" I asked.

Draco sucked in a huge breath.

"I'm okay." He said.

"Good." I said smiling. "That makes Scorpius happy."

"Scorpius?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I blushed. "I want to name the baby Scorpius if it's a boy." 

Draco smiled, "I like that, but that means I get to choose the girl name."

I smiled. "Deal."

He put on his thinking face. "Brooklyn, Brook or Brookie for short?"

I beamed. "That's perfect."

Everything seemed to be perfect.

For now.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum