Chapter 31 @*@*@*

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I walk up to the Borrow.

Brook and Scorp trailing behind me.

"Juice." Scorp whined.

I smiled. "I bet if you ask Aunt Molly nicely she'll get you some juice when we get inside."

He smiled and I led them inside the borrow.

"Hello!" I yelled.

Harry came into the main hallway and stopped as he saw us, he picked up his neice and nephew and smiled.

"How are my two favorite little wizards." He said.

"They may not both be wizards, Scorp is the only one who has shown potential." I said.

Harry frowned. "Maybe Brooks just waiting so she can make it a big to do, she is a lot like you."

I roll my eyes. "Scorp wants some juice if you get the chance." I tell him and I walk up the stairs to find Ginny, knowing Brook and Scorp want to have some fun with their Uncle.

I walk into her room and I see her sitting on her bed thousands of colors spread all over the floor.

She looks up. "Oh, when did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago..." I said trailing off.

"Well where are the little munchkins, did they come to see aunt Ginny?" She said looking behind me.

"No, they were more intrested in Harry than they were in me at the moment."

Ginny smiled and laughed. "Well that's ok because I need you urgently."

"Where's Teddy?" I asked thoughtfully realizing I hadn't seen him.

"He's going to be here on friday, his at Tonk's parents house." She said.

"Oh. So what are you doing?" I asked.

"looking at bridesmaid dress colors." She said.

I nodded, "So me, Hermione, and Luna right?"


"Well we all look good in any color..."

Ginny sighed falling face first into her bed. "That's the problem!" She groaned.

I smiled. "Ok, well what are your wedding colors?'

"Green and ivory..." She said sitting up.

"Ok so we wear green dresses with ivory sashes and you wear a green sash." I said.

Ginny's eyes lit up and she flew to hug me. "You are a life savor!"

"I'm going to order them right now so they'll be here tomorrow for our fittings!" She sequeled excited.

I smiled at her as she left the room.

I look out window and see Harry, Ron and George were all chasing and playing around with Brook and Scorp.

While, Bill, Percy, and Charlie were setting up the same tent that Bill and Fleur were married in.

I smile at the scene and walk down stairs to see Molly looking out of the back door doing the same thing I was.

"It's nice to see them all getting along for a change." I commented.

"Yes, now that every thing is over... they are more connected than ever." She said turning around.

I give her a hug and she smiles.

We pull back and I look at her. "So how are you dearie, I haven't seen you in quite a while. I suppose your busy though, finishing up school the new house and all that."

"Yeah it's been a pretty bumpy ride, but it's all been worth it. I'm doing good at the moment, how are you?"

"I'm doing just fine." She said.

And then she went on with her cooking and cleaning. But I could tell she was hurting.

I sigh and go outside.

"Mama!" Brook screams running away from Harry like a maniac.

He was clearly trying to tickle her.

She runs into my open arms and I grab her and stand up glaring at Harry.

"What were you doing to my princess?" I ask him.

He rolls his eyes. "Nothing!"

"Yes he was mama!" Brook says folding her arms like a little diva.

"I bet Draco is terrified." Harry said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he's raising a mini you!" Harry said sticking his tounge out and running away.

I roll my eyes and brush Brook's bangs out of her blue grey eyes.

"Don't worry, your uncles always been a meany head." I tell her.

She smiles and laughs and then I put her down on the ground and she wobbles over to Ron.

I smile and walk over to ron and sit next to him.

"She seems to like you." I said.

"Well she has good taste." Ron jokes.

I laugh.

Its so great to be home.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now