Chapter 19 :":":":

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AS ALWAYS THANKS A BILLON FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333333333


It's been a few weeks since I received my dark mark.

Today is the day I'm supposed to go back to headquarters to report the information I have found out, its also one of the day's every five months that I get to see my children.

I'm so lucky that today is the day Voldemort choose to check on his horcruxes or whatever.

The only sad thing about going is that I can't take Draco.

My family still thinks he's the enemy...

But if he's the enemy that would make me just as much as the enemy as he is.

We only do what Voldy tells us to because we don't want to get killed.

I get up slowly and quietly not wanting to wake Draco, but after I have stripped of my pj's I feel a pair of arms go around my bare stomach.

"You're leaving?" He whispers in my ear.

I don't answer him and I then struggle to unhook my bra.

He sighs and easily unhooks it for me.

"Thanks." I mutter.

I drop it to the floor and walk into the bathroom.

I totally strip as I turn the shower on.

I climb into the shower and wash away my sorrows.

About ten minutes into my shower I hear the door open and close.

"Just answer me already." Draco's voice says.

I grumble irritated. "I'm going to headquarters today. For a few hours. Then I'm coming straight back, relax." I call to him.

"Oh." He says thoughtfully. "Can I come?"

This is exactly why I didn't want to tell him, I couldn't bear telling him he couldn't go and see his children.

"I don't think that's a very good idea." I say nonchalantly.

"Why not?"

Ugggghhhhh. "Because Draco. Everyone thinks your evil." 

"Wow don't hold back." I hear the door open and slam shut.

The water from the shower mixes in with my salty tears.


"Bye." I tell him.

He's really upset but he's been laying on my bed where he always is.

He stayed there through my whole shower and all through me getting dressed.


"I love you?" I offer.

He gives me a light smile, "I love you more. Give them a kiss for me."

I nod and then I apparate to the secret house.

I find myself in the kitchen where my mother and Mrs. Weasley are.

Mum flings herself at me hugging me like I could be dead tomorrow. Which I guess is the irony of the situation. 

I hug her and I don't want to ever let go, but eventually I do.

She's wipping tears from her eyes when I say, "I missed you!"

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें