Chapter 29 :P

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Hey guys... so freshman show choir lists are being posted tomorrow, so it's another one of those nights where i'm nervous outta my mind so I write!


AS ALWAYS THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333333333333333333333333333



"Do you see that star up there Emibear?" 

I look up into my mothers warm welcoming eyes and then look to where she is pointing at.

"Yes, mama." I respond my young lisp still in tact.

She smiles. "No matter where you are or where I am, that is going to be our special star. Whenever you miss me, you can just look up at the star and know I'm thinking about you too."


I was six then and barley understood what she mean't by that.

But as I watch her get hit with a bright green light and her body fall lifeless the the ground, I fully understand the meaning of those words.

I try to run for her but father holds me back.

I'm screaming and crying.

All I want is my mum back.

After my mum hit the ground and then Harry stared at her for a split second and then he started running.

All heck broke loose.

I wiggle out of my dad's grasp and go to my mothers body.

Voldemort is to busy to see me weeping over her.

I fold her hands over her chest and straighten out her legs.

I then push some stray hairs out of her face.

I take my wand out and wave it over her.

Her body disappears to a place that I know is safe.

I then stand up my blood boiling.

I see Harry running into the castle and I follow him, vengeance on my mind.

"How do we kill him?" I ask.

Harry looks at me as if I'm crazy. "This is way to dangerous for you-"

"Harry Potter! I'm not a first year anymore! Let me help!" I protest.

He sighs. "Fine, we have to kill the snake, but first we have to find something to kill the snake with, I think Hermione and Ron are doing that but you can help with it too, I need you to find the sword of Gryffindor."

"Alright." I said.

I continued through the castle and I walk into the Great Hall where a huge battle is taking place.

I search for the sword and hex some Death Eaters.

I then see it in Yaxley's belt.

"Yoo-hoo YAAAAAAXXXXLLLLEEEEYYYYY!" I yelled waving at him.

He smirks and walks towards me.

"What do you want ya traitor?" He said his voice gruff and tired.

"I just want that sword you have there, it's no big deal."

"But it is, because this is the sword of Godric Gryffindor." He said.

"I see." I said I watch as Draco sneaks up behind him. "Tell me more about this Godric Gryffindor?"

"I don't have that much time..."

"But I bet your an expert!" I said giggling stupidly.

"Oh well..." He blushed.

And then Draco wrapped his arm around his neck and held his wand to Yaxley's brain.

"uhihihihighighgughug." Yaxley said struggling.

I pulled the sword out of his belt. "Thank you!" 

Draco knocked him out with his elbow.

I then take his hand and we go running outside.

I see Harry and Voldemort doing the exact same things with their wands that happened in the graveyard.

I then see a snake about to pounce on Hermione and Ron.

"You've got to help me, I won't get their in time!" I yell to Draco.

He nods and I put my foot in his hands.

I then kick as he pushes.

I flip backwards to Ron and Hermione and slash of the head of the snake with my sword.

Harry sees this out of the corner of his eye and he put's more force into his spell.

I watch as the spell finally hits Voldemort.

And he crumbles to the ground on his knees and then soon the only thing left of him is his wand, and his cloak.

We all stare at each other not knowing what to say.

I then run and hug Harry.

All my emotions were so overwhelming!

The death of my mum who was not only a mum but a best friend, the death of Tonks, Lupin, and Fred.

Harry dying and then coming back to life.

It was just all too much.


Soon the Death Eaters had fled the castle and people were already repairing it.

"So." I said to Draco.

"So." He said back.

We were sitting under, you guessed it! Our tree.

"Its kind of weird, usually there is always something restraining our relationship, but now there's nothing. So what happens now, are we just going to be a big happy family?"

"Well, big, I don't know there is only four of us in our immediate family, but happy, yeah I think we can do the happy part."

I smile at him, and for the first time it feels like how we used to be. 

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now