Chapter 24 :D---------:)

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AS ALWAYS THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333333333333333333


As soon as I apparate into the Hogshead sirens go off and Death Eaters barge into the Hogshead.

"I'm on HIS orders." I say pushing up my sleeve to show my dark mark.

They nod and then leave.

All of the sudden a door swings open and a man comes bounding down the stairs.

"Finally!" He exclaims.

He looks just like Dumbledore.

LIke they looked so alike it was almost creepy...

He grabs my hand and leads me in the door and up some stairs puting magic on the door so no one can open it.

We enter a wide open area with a picture of a beautiful girl on the wall.

"I'm Aberforth." He said.

Oh! I had read about him in a book he's Dumbledores younger brother!

"It's so nice to meet you. i just wish it was under better circumstances." 

"As do I." He said. "Why don't you go get her friend Ariana."  He nodded towards the picture.

The girl in the photo nodded and then walked away towards a tunnel.

"Show me the mark girl." Aberforth said.

I pushed up my sleeve and presented my dark mark to him.

"We can't have him tracking you anymore, it would be even more fatal than before." Aberforth said.

He waved his wand over my arm and mumbled some spell.

My arm started burning and then my whole body felt like it was on fire.

So like anybody with any sense I screamed bloody murder.

He quickly put a muffling charm on me.

After the agony had subsided(It was much worse than getting the actual mark), the dark mark had dulled. And now it looked like any other tattoo.

"So he can't track me or call me?" I asked.

"That would be correct now sit down while we wait for your friend." He said.

I couldn't help but wonder who this friend was...

I sat down at the tbale and Aberforth poored me a cup of tea.

We sipped and we didn't talk.

"Have you been helping Harry this whole time?" I asked him.

He nodded. "it's the least I could do... for the  boy who lived. And his sister."

I smiled and he smiled back.

He might not be as strange as Dumbledore was, but there was that same twinkle in his old blue eyes.

All of the sudden the girls portrait swung open and I dropped my tea cup on the floor and it shattered into small little pieces.

"I'm so sorry." I say quickly and then I look at the person who had emerged from the portrait.

"CHO!" I scream and get up pulling her into a hug.

"Thanks fo rlooking after her Aberforth. We expect them to be here soon, be on the look out." Cho told Aberforth.

He then nodded and left before I could say a thank you.

"How are you?" I asked her.

She gave me a half smile, "Well were in the middle of a war so... good I guess."

I chuckled and she lead me back through the portrait.

We walked down a long tunnel before we finally reached a door.

Cho opened the door and I realize that I'm gazing out at the room of requirement.

I smile as I see so many old friends.

But my mind automatically wonders if Draco is ok.


I haven't seen her in months. It's killing me, she hasn't even as much as sent me a letter.

And I could feel that tensions were getting higher.

I know that war is on the horizon.

I get up from where I'm sitting on a couch in the Slytherin common room.

Goyle looks up.

"What's wrong Draco?" He asks.

I turn around and stare into the fire. I guess it's time I told him about Emma and I... I mean he's my best mate isn't he?

That's when I finally realize that Harry, Ron, and Adrian are really my best mates.

If Goyle was my best mate I would've asked him to be my best man.

"There is this girl... that I'm in love with... who I have two children with and I... I've been really hard on her lately. And now I don't know where she is, I'm so worried about her." I told him.

"Who is this girl?" He asks.

I sigh and let a picture of her pop up into my mind. 

Her jet black curls, her green eyes, her perfect lips, her sweet natured personality. How she mothers my children.

Why would I ever want to pretend that I'm in love with anyone else?

So it doesn't suprise me when I turn around look him right in the eye and say "Emma Potter."


It's been a few hours and I'm sitting with Cho on a sleeping bag while everyone bustles around us making preparations for someone.

I don't know who it is and I don't want to know so I don't ask.

"Where's Ginny?" I ask Cho. 

"She should be here soon the last I heard was that she had detention with Flitwick." She said nonchalantly.

Ginny? Detention? Ginny never got dentention.

Everyone started to settle and I still had no idea who everyone was waiting for.

But I finally understood as the tunnel door swung open...

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin