Chapter 26 #$%##$%#

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There is an explosion in the distance and then a ear piercing screech occurs.

We look around the corner and Ron, Hermione and Harry are gone.

We stand their holding each other.

"You have all fought so dilegently... but I'm asking my troops to retreat. Harry Potter I am now talking directly to you: Come and turn yourself in or next time I will enter the battlefield and kill every last man, woman, and child that tries to conceal you from me. You have one hour."

I know that is the voice of Voldemort, but his words mean nothing to me, because I will fight to the death for Harry no matter what.

"So," I say looking into Draco's eyes. "Are you going to crossover to the good side?"

He smirks. "Tell me what you think little Potter?"

You might be thinking: Emma, you stupid idiot, it took a near death experience for Draco to realize he was being a jerk!

But I was to love drunk, and to happy to my have Draco back.

"Come on." I said pulling his hand.

We walked down to the Great Hall which seems to be where everyone was located.

Ginny runs up to me as soon as I walk into the room. "Where have you been, and why are you with him?"

"I was locating a Horcrux, and because he's my fiancè and this might be my last few hours with him." As I said this Harry, Ron and Hermione walked past me and out of the Great Hall, Ron in tears.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask her.

Ginny shook her head and pointed over to the Weasley family.

I gulped and ran over to them.

The let me into their little crowd and what I saw made I my knees go weak.

Fred, he's... dead.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks before I realize it.

And I wrap George up in a hug because he's also next to me kneeling down before Fred.

"I'm so sorry, did anyone else-"

"Tonks and Lupin." Sirius said walking up to our little group.

George lets go of me so I can hug Sirius and weep to him about my favorite professor of the Dark Arts teacher.

"But they just had a baby... it's not fair!" I complained.

"Lifes not fair." Sirius said simply.

He was hiding his pain, I could tell by his tone.

He would probably cry with father later.

"Wheres mom and dad?" I ask him pulling back from our hug.

"With McGonagal trying to think of a plan that won't get Harry killed." Sirius said.

I nod as he excuses himself to go help them.

I then walk back to Draco.

"I'm so sorry." He says.

I shake my head as he wipes a tear from my cheek. "Don't be sorry, this isn't your fault."

"Come on, lets take a walk." He says, he takes my hand and leads me out of the castle.

And  I finally see all the distruction that has happened.

It's horrible to see the place where you've grown up, where you've had your good times and your bad times.

Where you've acted mature, and when you've acted like a kindergratener.

I look up at Draco and I can see the sadness in his eyes.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" A voice said to the right of us.

We both draw our wands and turn as a person comes out from behind the rubble.


Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now