Chapter 15 %$%

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Scorpius, is crying. Again.

It's about the fifteenth time tonight.

I get up and get him out of his crib and attempt to calm him down so he won't wake his still sleeping sister.

I hear a woosh and a pop and I turn around telling myself to keep my face emotionless.

But what is standing there before my eyes breaks my all ready broken heart even more.

Draco is standing there. Eyes sunken and dark circles around them, face pale (well paler than usual), and looking frail.

"Hi." He says.

So many questions and comments were running through my mind but I pushed them away.

"Hi." I said.

Scorpius was still crying.

"Can I hold him?" He asked. 

"Yes of course." I say giving Scorpius to his father.

Scorp stops crying to examine the familiar face and Draco smiles at him.

I smile too at the cute scene I'm seeing.

Draco walks around the room with Scorp until he falls asleep and then returns him to his crib.

"Why, and how are you here?" I ask him.

"I'm here because... I wasn't sure how much longer I could go without seeing you three." He said.

I didn't budge keeping a straight face. He's so sweet.

"And I apparated here... this is the only day for weeks we haven't had a bunch of death eaters at my house." He told me.

I nodded and we sat down on my bed.

"I need you to tell me what you're doing for the rest of the summer." He said.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Safety persuasions." He reassured me.

I nod. "Um, staying here. Going to Bill and Fleur's wedding. That's it."

"You know war is close." He reminds me.

I take a deep breath. "I know."

"I have a surprise for you." He said.

I raise an eyebrow again. "What?" I ask him.

He takes my hand and we apparate to an unknown location.

We are on a huge mountain and there is a bridge across a trench leading towards a decent sized house.

"Draco." I said.

"It's for when the wars starts. You can hide out here at first. With Sirius, your parents, and Ginny." He said.

I hug him and I'm crying now.

Thank goodness I had gotten my apparting license early since I am a Representative.

I pulled back and he was smiling.

"Come on let's go look around." He said grabbing my hand and pulling across the bridge.


"It was beautiful Draco, thank you so much." I tell him.

He smiles at me and kisses Brook and Scorp on their foreheads.



"Try not to miss me to much. Or hate me to much." He said.

I smile. "Both of those things are about impossible." 

He laughs and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And then he was gone.


Bill and Fleur's wedding is in a week.

And my babies are four months old! It's so hard to believe!

They were doing very well acording to the doctor.

I'm taking them to the wedding of course because everyone wants to see them.

I walk into the kitchen where Sirius is playing with Scorp at the kitchen table and mum is cooking lunch.

I have Brook in my arms and she is cooing like crazy.

She is easily amused.

But then again she is a baby...

Ginny was coming to visit today and then I was going back with her to the Burrow with Scorpius and Brooklyn.

I hear the doorbell ring and hurry to the front door.

I open it and smile at Ginny as she squeals excitidly.

I give her a side hug seeing as I'm still holding my daughter.

Ginny holds her arms out and I give her Brook.

"How's my favorite Goddaughter!" 

"She's your only God daughter." I say laughing.

Ginny roles her eyes and she goes back to talking baby talk.

Ginny had offered to babysit Brook today and Sirius offered to babysit Scorp so I could have a break.

And I know I shouldn't but it wasn't in my intentions.

I get off of the path and I'm traveling through the deep forest until I find the small opening into the rocks that people probably mistake as a cave.

I enter the opening and smile up at the sun from the cliff.

I take my shoes off and dangle my feet over the cliff.

Draco and I's spot. And I'm here by myself.

I debate jumping in.

If anyone knew I was out alone I'd be slaughtered because of how dangerous it is these days.

So I decide going home with wet hair isn't such a good idea.

Instead I just sit there and  think.

I try so hard not to think about Draco but he always pops up in my head.

I feel so bad.

But seeing Draco last night made me elated.

I don't know how I feel.

But I just want this silly war to be 


Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now