Chapter 28 &(&)&()&(&)&

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I here a scream.

Emma's scream.

I jump up from where I was sitting comforting George and we both run outside.

I gasp as I see the body lying on the ground.

"How did this happen?" I asked them hurriedly.

Draco looked up from where he was staring at Jesse Grim's lifeless body.

"I've waited to do that since the beginning of fifth year to do that." Draco said.

George laughed behind me and I broke out into a smile.

Emma collapsed into Draco's arms her eyes still locked on Jesse's body.

"I never liked that little buggar." George said.

"Did any of us like him?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes at me.

I look up and I see figures walking towards the castle.

Death Eaters.



I let go of Draco to watch them walk up to us, they have Hagrid and he's holding someone.

Soon everyone from inside is outside and watching them alongside us.

The Death Eaters finally reach us and I can finally make out the person in a weeping Hagrid's arms.

And I get sick to my stomach.

"Harry..." I whisper.

Draco holds me back as I lung for him.

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived, is dead!" Voldemort yells. His death eater rejoice.

Those sick people.

"So now that your valiant savor is dead, who would like to join my new world order and be exempt from punishment?" 

We all hold our ground no one volunteering.

"Draco?" Voldemort says turning towards us.

Draco's mother and father beckon him.

He squeezes my hand and I know he's just doing this for show.

I let him go and stand with his parents.

"Anyone else?"

My mother comes up and hugs me from behind.

I cry, for Tonks, for Lupin, for Fred, and for Harry.

And then Neville limps forward.

Voldemort laughs.

"Don't worry I'm not planning on joining you. I just wanted to say, that yeah maybe we lost Harry today. And Tonks, Fred, and Lupin, but they are all still in here-"

Harry suddenly leaps out of Hagrid's arms.

I shriek and then I watch my mother fling herself in between my brother and Voldemort's wand.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora