Chapter 18 *()*()*()*

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Sleeping is impossible because I'm so afraid of the man that lurks around down stairs.

Though Draco assures me many times I will be fine I finally convince him not to leave me.

So I'm not surprised when I roll over and see him there.

His eyes closed and his face scrunched up in confusion.

I run my hand through his hair and down his face to his chin.

He opens his eyes.

I let my hand travel down to his hand.

"Morning." I whisper.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" He asks.

"Not a wink."

"Same  here."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"I was worried about you." He says.

I smile and place my lips on his.

A knock comes on the door and I pull away from him and snuggle up into his chest as he mutters a: come in.

I close my eyes not wanting to see the person who's interrupted one of my precious and numbered kisses with Draco.

"The Lord has a mission for the two of you, he wants to see you immediately." I hear Narcissa's voice whisper.

I feel Draco nod and hear his mom shut the door.

I open my eyes and hop out of bed.

I get dressed into my robes and when I'm finished I turn around and see Draco fiddling with the collar on his own robes.

I smile lightly and walk over to him and straighten out the collar.

He smiles down at me. "Thank you little Malfoy." He said exaggerating the Malfoy part.

"You're welcome big Malfoy." I rebuttal.

We walk down to the dinning hall where Voldemort still sits.

Did he sleep here? 

I wonder to myself as we round the table and sit down.

"Good Morning."  He hisses.

I flinch and Draco places his hand on my thigh.

I relax a little.

"Good morning my lord." We say in unison.

"You two are the youngest of the death eaters. Which is good, for you are faster and stronger. And unrecognizable." He hisses I now notice the snake slithering around his chair.

"Yes my lord?" Draco says pressing him on.

"I think I will place you two in Diagon Alley. You are to report there every day at eight sharp. And be back here at 10 every night. I want to know every person that comes in and every person that comes out. And if they are a mudblood or muggle born, kill them."

I swallowed hard. "Yes my lord." Draco says.

They both look at me and I try to stay strong. "Y-yes-s m-my l-lord-d." I manage to get out.

"Good now be gone."

Draco hurriedly leads me out of the room.

I hold onto his hand as we apparate.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now