Chapter 11 :)

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This is going to be short, and for that I'm sorry, but I have a good excuse I just got home and it's like 9:30 and I've been at Show Choir reheresal LIKE all day!


AS ALWAYS THANKS A MILLION FOR READING!!!!!!!<33333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




My eyes flutter open.

Draco's there, which doesn't surprise me.

He's sleeping and Harry is sitting on the other side of me looking at me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I reply.

His eyes widen. "You can talk?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes Harry, I'm better. I can speak now."

"Since when?" He asks.

"Last night around elven." I tell him.

He nods.

"Did Draco tell you?" He asks.

My heart slowly breaks as I remember Draco telling me about what we would have to do to my children to keep one alive.


"Are you going to do the surgery?" He asks.

I bite my lip and nod.

"I'm so sorry Em, you have no idea." He tells me.

I don't say anything.

What is there to say? I certianly don't forgive him, not yet, maybe not ever.

But I also don't want to hold it against him.

But then again he's probably feeling pain too, it's his neice and nephew.

"I know." Is my response.

I have nothing more and nothing less to say.

"When?" He asks.


He racks a hand through his hair so hard he probably pulled some out.

He grits his teeth, but not because he's mad at me. Or Draco... or the world.

But he's mad at himself.

When he calms down we talk for awhile then he leaves because Dumbledore needs him.

Soon it's around five and Draco wakes up.

"Hey sleepy head." I coo at him.

He rolls his eyes and slicks back his hair.

"How are we doing?" He asks.

"Soar, nervous." I respond.

He looks at his watch. "Holy Sh*t." He mutters.

Holy sh*t is right. We only have fifteen minutes until Madame Pomfrey takes me into an isolated room for surgery.

"I know." 

"You'll be fine."

"I know. It's not me I'm worried about." My hand goes to my stomach and I wonder what the two little people in their are thinking.

I'm putting their lives on the line. Without their consent.

They trust me. I'm all the know. I could destroy their faith in humanity.

"Do... you think they'll hate me for it. Especially if one of them doesn't make it?" I ask him.

"Even if we don't try Scorpius won't make it. We have to try. Either way they'll love you no matter what, and they'll understand why you did what you did." 

Relief washes over me. Just hearing him say it outloud helps me so much.

Soon it's time for me to go into surgery. And Draco can't come in the room with me.

"I love you so much." He says kissing me. 

"I love you more." I say smilling.

I hold his hand until the very last second and then it's just Madame and I.


I wait, I wait so long it makes me sick.

How long does one surgery take!?

I need to calm down.

Soon Madame Pomfrey is wheeling a sleepy looking Emma back out.

Putting her bed in the same exact spot as it was a few hours ago.

I look at her and she smiles.

"Everything went perfect." She whispered.

For the first time in months my eyes light up and smile creeps onto my lips.

"Don't tell her yet, she's not very lucid." Madame Pomfrey tells me.

"So Scrop, he's getting food now?" I ask her.

She nods smiling and my smile grows wider. "Thank you so much." I tell her.

She nods and walks back to her office.

Emma looks at me and I stare back.

"You are the most beautiful woman to mother my children." I tell her.

She gives me a small smile and rolls her eyes.


Okay so it's been about a month since the surgery, and everything is fine.

I'm about seven months and a half pregnant and I'm not that hormonal.

I think.

I don't really know.

Don't judge me!

"Em." Ginny said quietly walking into our Dormitory where I'm currently sewing some baby clothes together.


"Chlo is here for you." She said.

I look up to Ginny, "You can send her up here if you don't mind."

Ginny nods and leaves.

Soon Chloe is appearing in the doorway.

"Come in."

"I have a question." She said coming towards me with some potions notes.

"You don't have to pretend you know."

"Pretend? What do you mean?"

I sigh and pat the spot next to me on my bed.

She sits down. "You're extremley skilled in potions. Do you honestly think I believe that I think you have a question. I should be the one asking you questions."

She smiles and I smile back.

"You're right."

"So what is it?"

We talk for hours about her problems and then we move onto mine.

It's like the little sister I never had. 

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now