Chapter 10 *&*

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I'm awake. But I'm barely awake.

Only barely aware of my surroundings.

People are asking me how I'm feeling but I don't have the strength to answer them.

I see Draco. He never leaves.


He sits their and doesn't speak unless spoken too.

He watches over me like a hawk.

Makes sure I'm still breathing.

When were alone he cries. He blames everything on himself.

I don't know why he cries, but I try not to read to far into it.

We've been through tougher things together.

We can make it through a little thing like this.


I watch her look around the room. Looking so lost, so unaware.

I rake a hand through my hair and curse under my breath.

Because this is my fault.

I don't know what to think anymore.

Madame Pomfrey had said that Brook was fine, totally alright.

But Scorpius... his food supply has been cut off.

We might be able to fix it, if we do it carefully.

But we cannot preform the surgery until Em comes back to reality.

Once she does, she will deside.

The surgery will be vital to Scropius but fatal to both Scorp and Brook.

She looks at me and I stare back.

My world, my everything. And I almost got her killed.

And I'm setting her up for slaughter.

I take a deep breath.

But I won't let the Dark Lord kill her.

He'll have to kill me first to get to her or Harry.

Or my children.

My children, it feels weird just thinking it... let alone saying it.

I'm going to be a father.

I smile at her and I see her struggle trying to smie back so I quickly take the smile off of my face.

"How is she?" A voice asked.

I turn around and see Ginny. 

I turn back around as she sits down next to me.

"Okay." I responded.

She nods. "She can never go a through a school without something like this happening. With her and Harry... it's like a trend."

I laugh because it's so true.

"She'll be alright." She reminds me.

"I know." I tell her. "It's the kids I'm worried about."

"It's Potter and Malfoy genes, they'll be as strong and stubborn as an oxe." Ginny commented.

I roll my eyes and smile looking at Emma. "Probably." I said.

"Did you curse Katie. And don't lie to me." She warned.

I turned to her. She was Em's best mate.

But she was also one of Harry's best mates.

"Well did you?"

Can I trust her?

"No, I didn't." I lied.

"Good!" Ginny said sastisfied.

We both look at Emma and I'm hoping that I'll never have to tell Ginny the truth.

But knowing Emma, she'll probably tell her when it's all over.

When we're all saying our goodbyes,

To Albus Dumbledore.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt