Chapter 7 ^&^

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My hand goes down to my stomach.

Maybe because I'm nervous and I find comfort in knowing in someone's eyes I can do no wrong.

Or maybe it's because I'm making sure that the baby is alright.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I'm so nervous and afraid.

And he's not even here yet to help me get through it.

I'm suffering on my own, and it's miserable.

I hear a knock on my door but I don't get up.

"Come in." I said my voice quiet.

Harry walks in and I realize Ginny must already be downstairs.

He comes and sits on the edge of my bed.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I feel... terrified." I said honestly.

Harry gives me a half smile. "Why?"

"I can't tell you."

I really couldn't tell him, it was a mix of so many things.

Mostly I was terrified because when I would be marrying Draco tomorrow it would be me tying my life to his, and I don't know if he and I are ready for that.

I realize for the first time that I'm marrying a death eater.

Harry just nods respecting my wishes. "Well you need to get up." He said, and then he left the room.

I get up and get dressed.

A few hours later Draco arrives telling us his mother will be here soon.

I pull Draco into my room so I can talk to him alone.

"You have to promise me you won't be mad." I said.

"I promise." He said unsure.

"I can't do this." I said and the tears start falling.

"Can't do what." He asked taking my hands.

"I can't marry you."

His face goes blank, and it kills me.

"I'm so sorry." I say over and over again.

He sit's down on my bed and puts his head in his hands.

A few minutes later he looks up. "Why?"

I take a deep breath and a lump forms in my throat. "Our baby. It'll be even more dangerous for our baby if we're married. And I'm too young Draco, your to young."

"So you don't want to get married right now?" He asks.

I nod. "Just not right now."

He stands up and pulls me close to him. "Well I guess we can do it backwards."

I laugh at how even when the subject is so heavy he can make a joke out of it.

"You're still going to wear the ring though right."

"Yes, we will still be engaged."

He smiles and kisses me.

I feel so much better, like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


After I told my family about the wedding being canceled they were all satisfied.

Well everyone except Ginny.

And then I told them I was pregnant.

That was something. Mum was upset but got over it because she knew Draco and I could handle it.

My father and Sirius still refuse to acknowledge Draco's exstience now.

And now I'm sitting in the hospital wing waiting so see if the baby is a boy or a girl.

Draco, mum, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Adrian, and Ron are all here to find out the results.

My dad had to work late tonight and Sirius is already on a thin line with people searching for him to throw him back and Azkaban.

He was almost caught the last time he came to Hogwarts.

"So what is it?" I ask Madame Pomfrey as she waves her wand over my stomach.

"You mean what are they." Madame says.

"They?" Draco and I chorus.

"Twins, a boy and a girl." She responds.

Everyone starts talking excitedly.

But I'm crushed. Two more people I need to protect automaticaly comes into my mind.

"Brook and Scropius." Draco said rubbing my stomach.

I fake a smile but I feel so sick...

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now