Tell me how your sleeping easy, how your only thinking of yourself...

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"I'm going to be dog-sitting?! SERIOUSLY?! I thought I signed up to be a babysitter...? I love dogs and all did this happen?" I said to myself while staring wide-eyed at my new uniform which consisted of a teal collared shirt with a golden retriever on the pocket. I guess I choose my own pants then... I realized there was a clipboard with a schedule on it. My first few weeks seemed pretty easy but I knew this job was going to get harder and harder, the more and more I did it. I went upstairs to change into my new shirt and black ripped skinny jeans with a Melanie Martinez choker I got at Hot Topic. I opened my front door and walked out to my car that was parked in the driveway. I opened the driver's side door and sat down. I turned on the Infiniti on and took a deep breath in and out in the process. I put the car in rear and backed up out of my driveway, and started to drive to my first destination.

*Le time skip brought to you by Beebo*

I get to the first house I have for the week. They lived quite a ways away from my house, at (insert random address here). I pulled over to the side of the curb, turned off my car, and got out. As I was walking up the driveway, I stared at the house in awe. It was pretty big, and really nice. I wonder what the inside looks like...
     I get to the front door and knock three times. A woman, looks likes she's in her mid-to-late twenties, mid-length black hair, opens the door almost immediately.
     "Oh my gosh thank you so  much for coming on such short notice. My husband surprised me with a trip to Hawaii yesterday so we have been running all over the place and-oh my gosh! I haven't even introduced myself yet!" She takes a deep breath in, and then releases it. She's smiles, holds out her hand, and says,
"I'm Sarah!"

I take her hand and give it a slight gentle shake, "Hi, Sarah! I'm Y/N...Y/N L/N!"

"Again, thank you so much for coming on such short notice. The dogs are out back if you want to come meet them already...?" She asked sweetly.

"Sure! I'd love to...just making sure, that is ok if I meet them now right...?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course! Come on in!"

She opened the door all the way so I could come in. She led me to the back door and opened it. I stepped outside, and was almost immediately greeted by two very happy dogs. One, a Jack Russel Terrier - which I learned the name of both shortly after they ran up to me in a hyper scamper - named Bogart, after her husbands favorite Beatles song, and a black-and-white French bulldog named Penny Lane.

"Oh my gosh! They are so cute!" I exclaimed as I scratched Penny Lane between the ears, and gave Bogart a belly rub.

"The list of things you need for them and to do for them is on the counter and- SHIT! We have to be on the plane in an hour! Thank you...again! We will most likely be back in four to five days!" Just as I was standing up to give my response, she hugged me tight, and started to walk away as she yelled over her shoulder,

"They are really good dogs! It should be easy! Also, the pool is ten feet deep so, be careful!" She said, as she was grabbing her suitcase and shoulder bag that was by the door.

"Have fun!" I yelled out to her! She ran back time real quick and gave me another hug. She pulled away after a few seconds and said, "You too!" She ran back to her bags and grabbed her bags and opened the front door. As I was about to go back outside, her husband started walking down the stairs with a suitcase and shoulder bag as well. I caught a glance of him before he followed his wife out the door. He looked oddly familier, but he had sunglasses on so I couldn't get that good of a view but, I felt like I had seen him before. My mind had trouble making the connection...his black hair, his slightly big forehead, his sexy jawline...I almost freaked out thinking it was him. By the time I came back to reality, they had already left. I walked back outside to the dogs and played with them for a good 15 minutes before coming inside. I went over to the list and read it over, realizing it wasn't that long. I fed the dogs, since it was time to feed them, and went to chill out on the couch for a little bit, before I realized that,
1) I was going to be staying at their house, and
2) I need to get clothes and other stuff I need.
I walked around the house for a little bit, seeing if I could find the room I was staying in, and just to find my way around the house. I found a room that I was guessing was Sarah's and her husband's, but I couldn't help but look around. Their room was nice and big, probably bigger than my entire apartment, a king size bed with a white comforter with a few gray and blue pillows on it. I went into the bathroom, and it was slightly big, too. The shower was a pretty good size, with white tiles on the wall, and grey, stone-like tiles on the floor. I walked around a little more in the bathroom, and saw something shine out of the corner of my eye. I turned it's way, and saw a small handle hidden behind a bunch of boxes and other stuff. I pushed some stuff out of the way and realized it was a little drawer. I opened it, but then realized that it must've been locked before but they forgot to lock it again. I opened it up almost all the way, but I had already realized what was in it.

Pictures of Sarah, and her husband...

Brendon Urie...

Cut down the middle in between them. Some were obviously cut from the clean lines, and some ripped apart in frustration. I could tell they were in frustration since they were wrinkled like someone was gripping them with all of their might. I grabbed a few and stared at them, they looked so happy then. I started crying when I saw a photo of them kissing, that was ripped, not cut. I put them back in the drawer with shaking hands, and started sobbing. I put my face in my hands, and sobbed and sobbed, until I was shaking. Then I slowly laid on the carpet, and laid my hands, palm down, on the ground. I lifted up my left leg with my knee facing the ceiling, and started to take deep breathes. I guess that's why she looked so familier... I knew then and there, these next view days would be...


(A/N: ok, a few things... :
1) I know the title is from a set it off song called wolf in sheep's clothing, I just really liked the song so I was like what the fuck I have nothing to lose.
2) really long chapter I know
3) I know that's probably not what Beebo'e bathroom & bedroom looks like but...fuck I don't care I said what came to mind, that's all... sorry it took so long to update...I would either get little snippets of time here and there, or I would have a bunch of time and spend it thinking of little new things to add which turned into longer things that took forever to, ttfn, my beautiful band cult members!!!)

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