Nine in the Afternoon

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I wake up, feeling an arm around my shoulders. I slowly open my eyes, looking at my surroundings.

"Hey sleepy head.."

"Brendon...oh I'm sorry your arm must be hurting I'm-" He interrupts me, curling his index under my chin and puts his thumb gently on my chin.

"Shhh don't be sorry, it felt nice," He purred as his brown eyes stared back into mine.

"Oh.." I blushed at his beautiful smile.

He places his lips gently onto mine, waking me even more with his soft, loving lips.

"How about some breakfast?" He asks, breaking the kiss.

"PANCAKES!" I jump up and yell. I roll off the couch, onto the floor, and into the kitchen. When I stop, I realize that I wasn't the only one on the floor. 

Brendon fell off the couch, clutching his sides from laughter. I got up and went over to him, tilting my head upside-down.

"You good there?" I say, trying to keep back giggles.

"Yeah, all goo-" He erupts into another fit of laughter, remembering my actions from only a moment ago, and I roll my eyes playfully at him and smile.

"I'll go start breakfast," I tell him.

He gets his breathe back and manages to squeak out an, "Okay"


"BREAKFAST IS DONE B!!" I scream up to Brendon.

"OK COMING!!" I can hear his smile as he yells back.

He comes down the stairs, but he does it quietly so I don't notice him behind me.

Beebo's POV:

I sneak down the stairs, hoping she doesn't hear me. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

She jumps a little, but then is relieved when she realizes it's just me.

"That smells good.."

"Aw thanks B!" She blushes at my compliment.

I let go of her waist and walk around to get a plate. 

She pokes my shoulder, but does it slowly.

Da fuck? I think to myself.

I look at her and laugh. She has one of the most silliest faces I've ever seen with a piece of bacon over her eyes.


I take the piece of bacon of her eyes and she looks at me like 'wtf bren I was having fun'. 

"You always look pretty," I kiss her nose and grab my breakfast while she stands there, blushing like crazy.

Y/N's POV:

We sit down next to each other and talk about our lives. I explained my break up with my ex-boyfriend, Jason, and how I caught him cheating on me with my best friend. I explained how I got super depressed after that, losing my apartment, my friend, everything it felt like.

"It got really bad," I continued.

"I had....thoughts..." I sighed.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'thou-'" His eyes widened, as they filled with tears. The sight of him like this made me want to cry.

"Y/n...." A tear rolled down his cheek.

I continued.

"I... did things. I never told anyone except f/n..but here I am telling you. I would hurt myself what felt like a thousand times, because I would remember I was felt as if it would never end. Then I got this job and met you and when I'm with you, I feel so much better. You're smile, you're laugh, the way you glance at me when you think I don't know.."

He lets out a small chuckle as another tear runs down his cheek.

"...Everything about you makes me feel...human again. The way you kiss me, hold me, care about make me feel special, like I'm actually important. You give me compliments about things I would hate about myself. You are my happiness, my hope, my"

"....Yes?" He was gently holding my hand by now, and looked up at me with curious, yet sad eyes.

"My...legacy," I said with a small smile.

He gently pulled me up out of my chair as he stood, and wrapped his arms around my waist and looked me in the eyes, gently touching his forehead with mine and whispering,

"You are my legacy, too. Please don't hurt yourself anymore, I'd hate to see you in more pain. I love you, to the edges of the earth and back, infinitely."

He lifts his forehead and kisses me. Soft at first, but more passionately as seconds go by. We come up for air, and I whisper back,

"I love you, too B."

IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPDATE!! I've been so busy lately and I can only use the computer to write cuz my phone is an assssssss so I hope I can update much more often than I have been. Ok, keep on being you, my sexy boos >3<

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